ini_set('SMTP', Mage::getStoreConfig('system/smtp/host')); ini_set('smtp_port', Mage::getStoreConfig('system/smtp/port'));/**@var$message Mage_Core_Model_Email_Queue */foreach($collectionas$message) {if($message->getId()) { $parameters =newVarien_Object($message->getMessageParamet...
This tutorial is going to show you how to set upPostfix SMTP relaywith Sendinblue on Ubuntu. Postfix is a popular open-source SMTP server. Previously I wrote an article onhow to easily set up a full-blown email server on Ubuntu with iRedMail, which helped a lot of readers run their o...
Mage::dispatchEvent('aschroder_smtppro_after_send',array('to'=>$this->getToName(),'subject'=>$this->getSubject(),'template'=>"n/a",'html'=> strtolower($this->getType()) =='html','email_body'=>$this->getBody()));return$this; } 开发者ID:budiperkasa,项目名称:Magento-SMTP-Pro-...
How to Set Up Postfix SMTP Relay on Ubuntu with Sendinblue Improving Galera Cluster Performance Don’t use swap space. Do not useswap spaceon your server. It will make MariaDB slow. If your server is short of RAM, add more physical RAM to it instead of using swap space. You can use...