登录到Magento 2的管理后台。 导航到“Stores”(商店)> “Configuration”(配置)。 在左侧面板中,展开“Advanced”(高级)选项,并选择“System”(系统)。 在右侧面板中,展开“Mail Sending Settings”(邮件发送设置)。 在“Custom Email Templates”(自定义电子邮件模板)部分,可以选择要自定义的模板。点击相应的模板...
Sender Name是邮件的发件人,Sender Email是发件人的邮件地址 2. 在system->Configuration->system中配置Mail Sending Settings,其配置如下 目前我也不明白Set Return-Path的作用,日后再添加说明 3. 重写Mage_Core_Model_Email_Template(app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Email/Template.php)中的getmail()方法, publ...
只需在Admin -> System -> Configuration -> ADVANCED -> System -> Mail Sending Settings 中设置 [Set Return-Path] 的值为 [Yes]。如下图所示: 保存设置后,再让Magento发送一次邮件,收到邮件后,效果如下: 看起来好多了,仍有些瑕疵,比如在邮箱列表中,希望看到的发件人是[MagentoEye.com],而不是[Suppor...
Log all emails & easily identify mail sending issues Ready-to-use settings for more than 20 providers included The SMTP configuration of the following popular providers is included out of the box: Custom SMTP servers Google Mail / Google Apps Hotmail / Live / Office 365 / Outlook Yahoo Mail ...
Magento 2 SMTP Extension用户指南说明书
Most Magento store owners struggle to limit the number of transactional emails that end up in clients' junk mail. Take full control of your email sending settings in Magento 2 and reduce sending emails to your valuable customers' junk mail folder. Emails are delivered instantaneously to their int...
most Magento store owners struggle to limit the number of transactional emails that end up in clients' junk mail. Take full control of your email sending settings in Magento 2 and reduce sending emails to your valuable customers' junk mail folder. Emails are delivered instantaneously to their int...
Navigate "Stores → Configurations → Advanced → System → Mail Sending Settings" "Logging Enable" set Yes Navigate to "Marketing → Communications → Email Logs" Using MailHog via Docker for testing email I recently needed to modify the emails that a client project sends out. It was set up...
System-> Configuration-> Advanced-> System-> Mail Sending Settings-> Set Return-Path 如果您的后台语言界面是中文的,您可以参考以下的路径,但还是建议以英文为主以免造成误解: 系统- >配置- >高级- >系统- >邮件发送设置- >设置返回路径 如果“Set Return-Path(设置返回路径)”设定为“Yes/是”且您的服...
f. E mail Template for Registered Customer: Please select email template for sending cancellation email to registered customer.g.Email Bcc: Please add CC email addresses for Order Cancellation emails in comma separated format .h.Notification Message: Enter notification message you want to show ...