Setting up automatic payments can be a great way to avoid the negative repercussions that come from missing a credit card payment. Still, you want to make sure you have enough money in your bank account so you aren't charged an overdraft fee. If you don’t want to set up automatic paym...
example,Honeydueallows couples to link their bank accounts and credit cards to the app to help manage their money more transparently and better plan for the future. The app is free to use and offers perks such as bill payment reminders as well as alerts for monthly spending limits by ...
Welcome to PayJunction University, where we teach you how to use PayJunction like a pro. Today’s lesson is on how to set up Hosted Checkout, which enables businesses to securely accept payments through their websites with minimal effort. Hosted Checkout can be used in two ways: by e-co...
-Mine the portfolio for future opportunities –review LTVs, payment habits, longevity in home, ARM loans coming up on interest rate adjustments. -The borrower needs to feel that you are the only servicer/lender that works for and with them. Create an environment where customer retention is ...