可以修改时间片来提高Thread.Sleep()及定时器的精度.修改方法见MSDN Timer Resolution . 实际上可以通过一些Windows没有公开的API将时间片提高到微秒(us)级别,类似于timeGetDevCaps的对应API为NtQueryTimerResolution,修改时间片的对应API为NtSetTimerResolution .详细描述见Microsecond Resolution Time Services for Windows...
PROCESS_POWER_THROTTLING_STATE PowerThrottling; RtlZeroMemory(&PowerThrottling, sizeof(PowerThrottling)); PowerThrottling.Version = PROCESS_POWER_THROTTLING_CURRENT_VERSION; // // Ignore Timer Resolution Requests. // Turn IGNORE_TIMER_RESOLUTION throttling on. // ControlMask selects the mechanism and...
error: 'ledc_timer_config_t' has no non-static data member named 'clk_cfg' after deleting it sorry, unimplemented: non-trivial designated initializers not supported github-actionsbotchanged the titlefailing to set duty resolution of ledc timerJun 16, 2020 ...
IReferenceClockTimerControl 介面 IRegisterServiceProvider 介面 IResourceConsumer 介面 IResourceManager 介面 ISeekingPassThru 介面 IStreamBuilder 介面 IVideoEncoder 介面 IVideoFrameStep 介面 IVMRAspectRatioControl 介面 IVMRDeinterlaceControl 介面 IVMRFilterConfig 介面 IVMRImageCompositor 介面 IVMRImagePresenter...
若要使流时间失效,请将pTimeStart和pTimeEnd设置为NULL。 这将导致IMediaSample::GetTime方法返回VFW_E_SAMPLE_TIME_NOT_SET。 有关流时间的详细信息,请参阅DirectShow 中的时间和时钟。 要求 要求值 最低受支持的客户端Windows 2000 Professional [仅限桌面应用] ...
IReferenceClockTimerControl 接口 IRegisterServiceProvider 接口 IResourceConsumer 接口 IResourceManager 接口 ISeekingPassThru 接口 IStreamBuilder 接口 IVideoEncoder 接口 IVideoFrameStep 接口 IVMRAspectRatioControl 接口 IVMRDeinterlaceControl 接口 IVMRFilterConfig 接口 IVMRImageCompositor 接口 IVMRImagePresenter...
App makers can configure the information displayed on the timeline to help users access information and create new activity records, such as email and tasks, directly from the timeline quickly so they can deliver more personalized service.Add a timeline...
I'm trying to create a high resolution timer, with a processor affinity in a CustomTimerDPC. I see no mechanisms the WdfTimerxxx or ExxxxTimer routines for specifying custom DPCs, nor does there seem to be any mechanism to specify that a KeTimer to be…
ServiceListener Class Summary ARAnchor ARAugmentedImage ARAugmentedImageDatabase ARBody ARBodyTrackingConfig ARCamera ARCameraConfig ARCameraIntrinsics ARConfigBase AREnginesApk AREnginesSelector ARFace ARFaceBlendShapes ARFaceGeometry ARFaceTrackingConfig ARFrame ARHand AR...