实际上可以通过一些Windows没有公开的API将时间片提高到微秒(us)级别,类似于timeGetDevCaps的对应API为NtQueryTimerResolution,修改时间片的对应API为NtSetTimerResolution .详细描述见Microsecond Resolution Time Services for Windows. 使用方法如下: 1 typedef NTSTATUS (CALLBACK* NTSETTIMERRESOLUTION) 2 ( 3 IN ULO...
Keep track of high resolution time using QElapsedTimer (internally it uses performance counters on Windows or whatever is there to give the highest resolution time). Set the timer expiration based on the value of high resolution time from #1. Of course you need to handle frames that took too...
So the first thing you should do is make a setup where you can reproduce the problem (looks like you did). Then locate VDDA/VREF+ and VSSA/VREF- on your board. Unfortunately they are not on the connector pins, but there is a convenient cap C12 which decouples VDDA so you...
StorPortQueryTimerMinInterval queries the minimum timer resolution that is supported by the system clock. Syntax C++ Ikkopja ULONG StorPortQueryTimerMinInterval( [in] PVOID HwDeviceExtension, [out] PULONG TimerMinInterval ); Parameters [in] HwDeviceExtension A pointer to the miniport's d...
Problem Description I am trying to set the duty resolution like inhttps://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/blob/7d75213674b4572f90c68162ad6fe9b16dae65ad/examples/peripherals/ledc/main/ledc_example_main.c Expected Behavior shozld be able to set duty resolution ...
ExSetTimerResolution-Funktion ExSizeOfRundownProtectionCacheAware-Funktion ExSystemTimeToLocalTime-Funktion EXT_CALLBACK Rückruffunktion EXT_DELETE_CALLBACK Rückruffunktion EXT_DELETE_PARAMETERS Struktur EXT_SET_PARAMETERS Struktur EXTENDED_CREATE_INFORMATION Struktur EXTENDED_CREATE_INFORMATION_32 Struktur ExTry...
Resolution If you are the driver writer, use the information obtained through this bug check to fix the bugs in your code. If you are a system administrator, you should unload the driver if the problem persists. Feedback Was this page helpful?
Failsbecause I am losing the interrupt: when the int is restored, the interrupt that arrived during XYZ is ignored. This is a big problem (one of the reasons is that TIM4 IRQHandler changes the globals and then activates the TIM4 again to give an interrupt later, I do this because the...
Often, this mechanism depends on your CPU, and if it’s powerful enough, much of the problem will be solved already. Set the Timer Resolution With Ease As the tool’s name suggests, it will enable you to set the resolution of the timer to another value. It is helpful when you want ...