可以修改时间片来提高Thread.Sleep()及定时器的精度.修改方法见MSDN Timer Resolution . 实际上可以通过一些Windows没有公开的API将时间片提高到微秒(us)级别,类似于timeGetDevCaps的对应API为NtQueryTimerResolution,修改时间片的对应API为NtSetTimerResolution .详细描述见Microsecond Resolution Time Services for Windows...
linux/unix 有专门的 API 可以修改系统默认的 timer resolution,而在 windows 下就显得有点麻烦,最后 chromium 团队选取了和 Flash 和 Quicktime 同样的 API 来替代系统默认的 timer resolution。 在修改了 OS 默认的 timer resolution之后,chrome 的性能有了很大的提升。具体到 chrome 1.0 beta 版本,timer resolutio...
让我们先深入到操作系统的层面,windows 默认情况下的 timer resolution 是 10-15.6ms(这里你可以理解为 timer 的颗粒度),也就是说最开始浏览器的 timer 依赖于操作系统层面的 timer resolution。换到 setTimeout 当中来讲,设定的最小延迟至少会是 10ms。但是从 CPU 性能来讲,处理器的速度已经从 1995 年的 500...
让我们先深入到操作系统的层面,windows 默认情况下的 timer resolution 是10-15.6ms(这里你可以理解为 timer 的颗粒度),也就是说最开始浏览器的 timer 依赖于操作系统层面的 timer resolution。换到setTimeout当中来讲,设定的最小延迟至少会是10ms。但是从 CPU 性能来讲,处理器的速度已经从 1995 年的 500HZ 提...
Re: Can't set timer resolution to maximal value!Post by Wagnard » Wed Aug 03, 2022 2:25 pm empleat wrote: ↑Mon Aug 01, 2022 4:10 pm Now briefly current timer resolution flashed to 3.9999 and returned back to 0.9973. That didn't happen previously. I also tried 2 other programs,...
而有激情的人都做过三件事情: First,becoming a self-expert and understanding yourself 先了解自己...
timer resolution changes to 0.5, while i set it to 1 and enabled auto monitoring. It used to work in past. When i set it to 1 and click start again, after launching media player, it switches to 0.5! Dynamic tick is disabled. Any idea why it doesn't work ?
PowerThrottling.ControlMask = PROCESS_POWER_THROTTLING_IGNORE_TIMER_RESOLUTION; PowerThrottling.StateMask = PROCESS_POWER_THROTTLING_IGNORE_TIMER_RESOLUTION; SetProcessInformation(GetCurrentProcess(), ProcessPowerThrottling, &PowerThrottling, sizeof(PowerThrottling)); // // Always honor Timer Resol...
PROCESS_POWER_THROTTLING_STATE PowerThrottling; RtlZeroMemory(&PowerThrottling, sizeof(PowerThrottling)); PowerThrottling.Version = PROCESS_POWER_THROTTLING_CURRENT_VERSION; // // Ignore Timer Resolution Requests. // Turn IGNORE_TIMER_RESOLUTION throttling on. // ControlMask selects the mechanism and...