SAS dataset 有很多针对数据集的选项(option),这些选项都有同名的 statement. 常见的有: options 和 statement 的功能和使用方法几乎一致,区别在于:statement 只能在 DATA step 中使用;options 在 DATA / PROC step 中都可以使用,既可以用于 read-in data 也可以用于 write-in data, 写法统一是DATA=dataset (opti...
SET<SAS-data-set(s)<(data-set-options(s) )>><options>; (data-set-options) specifies actions SAS is to take when it reads variables or observations into the program data vector for processing. Tip:Data set options that apply to a data set list apply to all of the data sets in the ...
SAS-data-set(s): specifies a one-level name, a two-level name, or one of the special SAS data set names. (data-set-options): specifies actions SAS is to take when it reads variables or observations into the program data vector for processing. DROP= KEEP= RENAME= (...
Set-CsBusyOptions Set-CsCallingLineIdentity Set-CsCallParkOrbit Set-CsCallParkServiceMusicOnHoldFile Set-CsCallQueue Set-CsCallViaWorkPolicy Set-CsCceApplianceConfigurationReplicationStatus Set-CsCceApplianceDeploymentStatus Set-CsCceApplianceStatus Set-CsCdrConfiguration Set-CsCertificate Set-CsClientPin Se...
Test-CsASConference Test-CsAudioConferencingProvider Test-CsAVConference Test-CsAVEdgeConnectivity Test-CsCertificateConfiguration Test-CsClientAuth Test-CsClientAuthentication Test-CsComputer Test-CsDatabase Test-CsDataConference Test-CsDialInConferencing Test-CsDialPlan Test-CsEffectiveTenantDialPlan Test-CsEx...
1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上SAS编程中SET命令的常用用法By 木杉2007/5/22一、 读入数据集:从现有的数据集读入数据(obs) ,下例中set将work.a的所有记录写入 ;其作用相当于复制数据集a:data new ;set a ;run;二、 合并数据集 :1、一个set的应用,纵向合并数据集 :a) 2个数据集的字段完全相同...
JBOD 21 PD64_NVMe8 SAS/SATA/NVMe 64 64 JBOD 23 PD_240 SAS/SATA 240 240 Note From firmware version 5.080.00-1965 (package 50.8.0-2-66) onwards, only profile options that are compatible with the current personality setting and drive type connected are visible. Go to the Set Profile tab...
In Example 1, the Set-CsConferencingConfiguration cmdlet modifies the global instance of conferencing configuration settings; in this case, the command sets the value of the Organization property to Litwareinc. This is done by including the Organization parameter followed by the organization name: Litw...
[-LineURI <String>] [-PrimaryLanguage <String>] [-SecondaryLanguages <Microsoft.Rtc.Management.ADConnect.Core.MultiValuedProperty`1[System.String]>] [-SipAddress <String>] [-Type <String>] [-PassThru] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [-ExchangeArchivingPolicy <ExchangeArchivingPolicyOptionsEnum>] [<...