3:SAS continues to read one observation at a time from the first data set until it finds an end-of-file indicator. The values of the variables in the program data vector are then set to missing, and SAS begins reading observations from the second data set, and so on, until it reads ...
3:SAS continues to read one observation at a time from the first data setuntil it finds an end-of-file indicator. The values of the variables in the program data vector are then set to missing, and SAS begins reading observations from the second data set, and so on, until it reads al...
Stored access policies give you the option to revoke permissions for a service SAS without having to regenerate the storage account keys. Set the expiration on these very far in the future (or infinite) and make sure it's regularly updated to move it farther into the future. There is a li...
firstobs、obs、end 比较基础与常见的语法,如:firstobs,obs,end...,firstobs表示从数据集第某行记录开始,obs表示读取到第某行记录。end为一个“指针”指向最后一条记录。来看看一个例子~ 代码语言:javascript 复制 data test1;setSASHELP.CLASSend=last;iflast then aa=1;run;data test2;setSASHELP.CLASS(firsto...
1、显示管理系统窗口:program editor窗口——提供一个编写SAS程序的文本编辑器;log窗口——显示有关程序运行的信息;output窗口——显示程序运算结果的输出。2、显示管理系统命令框中常用命令:bye——退出SAS;clear[windows-name]——清除指定的窗口中的内容;end——退出当前窗口;help——帮助;program——进入...
SET 输入数据集1 输入数据集2 ….; Run;如果不适用DROP=和KEEP=选项,在新的数据集中将包含所有旧数据集的变量。 5.DO 循环语句 语句一: DO WHILE(expression);...more SAS statements...END;语句二: DO UNTIL(expression);...more SAS statements...END;语句三: DO index-variable=start ;...more SAS...
set result; array result[*] _NUMERIC_; do j = 1 to dim(result); if result(j) = . then result(j) = 0; end; drop j; run; 6.抽样 proc surveyselect data=lanzhou.Inactive170830(rename=(Selected=Selected0)) out=lanzhou.Inactive170830 ...
setprov3;if_n_=&i.;callsymputx("city_name",city);run;%put&city_name.;dataoutcity;setadcode;ifcity="&city_name.";run;procexportdata=outcityoutfile="P:\SAS 培训\output\&province..xlsx"dbms=excelreplacelabel;sheet="&city_name.";run;%end;%mend;%citys(province=江西省)%citys(province...
31、39;keys');myhash.defi neDon e();c = 1;en d;do while (not don e);set hash_sum en d=do ne;rc = myhash.ref();en d;rc = iter.first();do while(rc = 0);rc = myhash.sum(sum: c);out put;rc = iter. next();end; stop; run;输出结果:表5:程序5.4输出结果ckeys31232...
proc fcmp outlib=sasuser.fun.cgdate;functioncgdate(var1,var2)$;gg=put(var1*24*3600+var2,is8601dt.);return(gg);endsub;run; 此处,我们定义了一个返回字符串的函数,函数可以将数值型日期,数值型时间转换成字符型的8601格式的日期...这个例子只是一个简单的转换...实际运用中当然是会稍微复杂一点,...