Git usernames and emails are of two types, one is used for Git accounts globally, and the other is set on individual projects as per developers’ preference. To set a username and email, you can utilize the “$ git config –global” command. To set the Git usernam...
你可以使用以下命令来设置你的 Git 用户名: bash git config --global "Your Name" 这里,--global 选项表示你在全局配置文件中设置用户名,这将影响你计算机上的所有 Git 仓库。如果你只想为当前仓库设置用户名,可以省略 --global 选项。 3. 提供设置 git 的命令 你可以使用以下命令来...
原因应该是你没有选中"config source"中的local、global、system选项,git配置分为这三种,界面上的<<符号表示,左侧的配置会覆盖右侧的。而你当前选中的Effective表示,这3个配置共同叠加后的结果,故不可编辑。建议切换到Global进行设置^_^
The command to set the local git config email and username is as follows: git config --global ""git config --global "cameronmcnz" It can be annoying hitting thefatal: unable to auto-detect email addresserror message when you...
Execute command:git config "Crunchify, LLC" That’s it. Now you could use different username/email for each separate github or bitbucketrepository. If you liked this article, then please share it on social media. Have a question or suggestion? Please leave a commen...
There are a number of different ways to customize your development environment, but the global Git config file is the one most likely to be used to customize settings such as your username, email, preferred text editor and remote branches. Here are the key things you need to know ...
Install Git Git 的下载 去Git 官网下载对应系统的软件,下载地址为、,或者阿里镜像 上面的 git-scm 是 Git 的官方,里面有不同系统不同平台的安装包和源代码,而Git for Windows里只有 windows 系统的安装包 ...
usermod username -aG wheel Create a Git User Account Then configureGitwith the new user as follows: su username sudo git config --global "Your Name" sudo git config --global "" Now verify theGitconfiguration using the following command. ...
git""git"Your Name" 第二种,为项目单独设置 因我的电脑有多个git账户,所以不想通过设置全局邮箱和名字来解决。 进入到项目目录,找到 .git 文件夹,进入到里面,打开config文件。 添加如下三行 ...
Username First you need to tell git your name, so that it can properly label the commits you make. git config --global "Your Name Here"# Sets the default name for git to use when you commit Email Git saves your email address into the commits you make. We use the email ad...