对于Windows 用户,可以使用 Git Bash 或 PowerShell。 对于macOS 和 Linux 用户,可以直接打开终端。 输入设置命令: 在命令行界面中,输入以下命令来设置全局用户名: bash git config --global user.name "Your Name" 请将"Your Name" 替换为你想设置的全局用户名。例如,如果你想将全局用户名设置为 chengxvxiao...
PropertyValue Description Reason for the status of the Solution Health Rule Set DisplayName Status Reason IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName statuscode RequiredLevel None Type Status DefaultFormValue GlobalChoiceName msdyn_solutionhealthruleset_statuscodestatus...
Every Git commit includes the author’s name and e-mail. Make sure Git knows your name and email by running these two commands: git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global user.email username@mit.edu # or any email address that reaches you You don’t necessarily have...
PropertyValue Description Reason for the status of the Solution Health Rule Set DisplayName Status Reason IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName statuscode RequiredLevel None Type Status DefaultFormValue GlobalChoiceName msdyn_solutionhealthruleset_statuscodestatus...
Enter the following command to configure your username, replacing Emma's name with your own. (Copy and paste the line after the $ and press enter.) $ git config --global user.name "Emma Paris" Enter the following command to configure your email address, replacing Emma's email address wi...
没有使用过TortoiseGit,看图回答吧。原因应该是你没有选中"config source"中的local、global、system选项,git配置分为这三种,界面上的<<符号表示,左侧的配置会覆盖右侧的。而你当前选中的Effective表示,这3个配置共同叠加后的结果,故不可编辑。建议切换到Global进行设置^_^ ...
--global For writing options: write to global ~/.gitconfig file rather than the repository .git/config, write to $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/git/config file if this file exists and the ~/.gitconfig file doesn’t. For reading options: read only from global ~/.gitconfig and from $XDG_CONFIG_HOME...
Username First you need to tell git your name, so that it can properly label the commits you make. git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"# Sets the default name for git to use when you commit Email Git saves your email address into the commits you make. We use the email ad...
hint: or --ff-only on the command line to override the configured default per hint: invocation. 提示:您可以将“git-config”替换为“git-connfig--global”来设置默认值 提示:所有存储库的首选项。你也可以通过——rebase,——no rebase, 提示:或--ff仅在命令行上覆盖配置的默认值 ...
PropertyValue Description Reason for the status of the Solution Health Rule Set DisplayName Status Reason IsValidForForm True IsValidForRead True LogicalName statuscode RequiredLevel None Type Status DefaultFormValue GlobalChoiceName msdyn_solutionhealthruleset_statuscodestatus...