@文心快码git set global username 文心快码 要设置 Git 的全局用户名,请按照以下步骤操作: 打开命令行界面: 对于Windows 用户,可以使用 Git Bash 或 PowerShell。 对于macOS 和 Linux 用户,可以直接打开终端。 输入设置命令: 在命令行界面中,输入以下命令来设置全局用户名: bash git config --global user.name...
$git config--globaluser.name"Maria" In the above-listed command, we have specified “Maria” as a new username: Step 4: Verify Set Username To ensure whether the specified username is added or not, use the following command: $git config--globaluser.name As you can see, the specified us...
Username First you need to tell git your name, so that it can properly label the commits you make. git config --global user.name "Your Name Here"# Sets the default name for git to use when you commit Email Git saves your email address into the commits you make. We use the email ad...
Every Git commit includes the author’s name and e-mail. Make sure Git knows your name and email by running these two commands: git config --global user.name "Your Name" git config --global user.email username@mit.edu # or any email address that reaches you You don’t necessarily have...
git config --global user.name "your_name" git config --global user.email "email@address.com" 2. Verify configuration changes with the command: git config --list The system should display the name and email address you just entered.
是基于dotcore实现的一个高度精简化和高吞吐的HTTP API服务组件,它并没有完全实现HTTP SERVER的所有功能,而是只实现了在APP和WEB中提供数据服务最常用两个指令GET/SET,满足在应用实现JSON,PROTOBUF和MSGPACK等基于HTTP的数据交互功能,虽然是一个精简版本但针对SSL这方面的安全性还是支持。有牺牲就必然有收获,FastHttpAp...
--global 对于写选项:全局配置,将参数配置于 ~/.gitconfig 而不是仓库目录下的 .git/config。对于读选项:只从 ~/.gitconfig 文件中读取配置。 --local 对于写选项:将参数配置于 仓库目录下的 .git/config,这是默认的设置。 -l, --list 列出配置文件中的所有配置项。
Step 1: Open Git Bash Terminal Firstly, launch the Git Bash terminal from the Start menu: Step 2: Set Username Utilize the “git config” command with the “–global” option and add your first name and last name in the quotation: ...
git config --global user.email "you@example.com" git config --global user.name "cameronmcnz" Just supply your own name and email address, and Git commits will no longer be a problem. To verify that the git username and email address have been saved successfull...
Enable dependabot for Azure Repos Jun 8, 2023 .config Update dependency dotnet-coverage to 17.14.2 (#352) Feb 27, 2025 .devcontainer Update Dockerfile and global.json updates to v9.0.200 Feb 12, 2025 .github Merge the microbuild branch fromhttps://github.com/aarnott/Library.T… ...