"cleanupHourOfDay": "The time when versions are cleaned; the value must be an integer from 0 (midnight) to 23 (11 pm)", "defaultLocale": "The default locale to use for the system (determines language and date formats.)", "deleteEnvResources": "Enable deleting resources from environment...
Update the system configuration Use this command to set any of the properties on the System Settings page of the server. The JSON template for this command lists all of the properties that you can change, but you can omit properties that you are not changing. Format udclient [global-args...
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSimple New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSize New-CMComplianceRuleRegistryKeyPermission New-CMComplianceRuleValue New-CMComplianceRuleVersion New-CMComputerAssociation New-CMConfigurationItem New-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment New-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup New-CMDetectionClauseDirectory...
The configuration profile is a .plist file that consists of entries identified by a key (which denotes the name of the preference), followed by a value, which depends on the nature of the preference. Values can either be simple (such as a numerical value) or complex, such as a neste...
New-CMComplianceRuleFileFolderSize New-CMComplianceRuleRegistryKeyPermission New-CMComplianceRuleValue New-CMComplianceRuleVersion New-CMComputerAssociation New-CMConfigurationItem New-CMConfigurationPolicyDeployment New-CMDeploymentTypeDependencyGroup New-CMDetectionClauseDirectory New-CMDetectionClauseFile New-CMDet...
The parameter of the validate operation supports only the <candidate/> and <running/> configuration databases. With the validate capability supported, the <edit-config> operation supports the <test-option> parameter. The value of this parameter is test-then-set, set, or test-only. If this p...
Set-SPDataConnectionFile Set-SPDefaultProfileConfig Set-SPDesignerSettings Set-SPDiagnosticConfig Set-SPDiagnosticsProvider Set-SPDistributedCacheClientSetting Set-SPEnterpriseSearchAdministrationComponent Set-SPEnterpriseSearchContentEnrichmentConfiguration Set-SPEnterpriseSearchCrawlContentSource Set-SPEnterpriseSearchCra...
datatypevalue 使用命令行帮助查看选项 使用BCDEdit 的命令行帮助显示可用于特定 Windows 版本的信息。 控制台 C:\> BCDEdit /? BCDEDIT - Boot Configuration Data Store Editor The Bcdedit.exe command-line tool modifies the boot configuration data store. The boot configuration data store contains boot config...
If the file does not exist, run the cp /kernel/drv/fp.conf /etc/driver/drv/fp.conf command to copy the fp.conf file to the /etc/driver/drv/ directory. Modify fp_offline_ticker (default value: 90 seconds...
BCDEDIT - Boot Configuration Data Store Editor The Bcdedit.exe command-line tool modifies the boot configuration data store. The boot configuration data store contains boot configuration parameters and controls how the operating system is booted. These parameters were previously in the Boot.ini file (...