最底层的Target Build Settings定义在project.pbxproj文件中,在该文件中,在编译过程中,会先尝试从该文件中查找HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS,若找到了会以该值作为查找header的路径,找不到则会依次向父级查找,在这个演示中,它的父级便是Pods-ConfigFile.debug.xcconfig,在这个config文件中HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS由一个字符串数组...
NO_LABEL public static final String NO_LABEL The default label for configuration settings is the label, "\0". Users use this value when they want to explicitly reference a configuration setting that has no label. This gets URL encoded as "%00"....
Each section object is owned and administered by a configuration section handler, which is an object of type IConfigurationSectionHandler. Application-scoped settings and the default user-scoped settings are stored in a file named application.exe.config, which is created in the same directory as ...
<configSections> </configSections> <dataConfiguration defaultDatabase="EntLibStudy"/> <connectionStrings> <add name="EntLibStudy"connectionString="server=SQL2005;database=EntLibStudy;Integrated Security=True;"providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"/> <add name="EntLibStudySQLite"connectionString="data sou...
If multiple custom client settings are applied to a computer, the inventory returned by each setting will be merged. Click the New icon to add a new file type to inventory, then specify the following information in the Inventoried File Properties dialog box: Name –Provide a name for the fil...
Settings.System Settings.System 构造函数 字段 属性 方法 CanWrite GetConfiguration GetFloat GetInt GetLong GetShowGTalkServiceStatus GetString GetUriFor PutConfiguration PutFloat PutInt PutLong PutString SetShowGTalkServiceStatus SettingsSlicesContract ShortcutSupport SimAccountType SimElementaryFileType SimPhone...
LocalFileSettingsProvider 构造函数 属性 方法 GetPreviousVersion GetPropertyValues Initialize 重置 SetPropertyValues 升级 LongValidator LongValidatorAttribute NameValueConfigurationCollection NameValueConfigurationElement NameValueFileSectionHandler NameValueSectionHandler ...
To change the location of the log file, edit /opt/microsoft/omi/etc/scxcmprovider.conf and change the PATH field. You do not need to restart the client computer or service for the change to take effect. You can set the log level to one of three different settings: ERROR: Indicates pro...
Settings are presented in the order in which they appear in the configuration file. Expand table Setting Description Dsn Specifies the connection string to the database server that hosts the report server database. This value is encrypted and is added to the configuration file when you create ...
.NET Framework包含一个默认设置提供程序 ,LocalFileSettingsProvider它将配置数据存储到本地文件系统。 但是,可以通过从抽象 SettingsProvider 类派生来创建备用存储机制。 包装器类使用的提供程序是通过使用 修饰包装类来确定的 SettingsProviderAttribute。 如果未提供此属性,则使用默认值 LocalFileSettingsProvider。 创建...