11. a. To value or regard something at the rate of: She sets a great deal by good nutrition. b. To fix at a given amount: The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000. c. To make as an estimate of worth: We set a high value on human life. 12. a. To cause to sit...
int timer_create(clockid_t clock_id, struct sigevent *evp, timer_t *timerid); int timer_settime(timer_t timerid, int flags, const struct itimerspec *value, struct itimerspect *ovalue); int timer_gettime(timer_t timerid,struct itimerspec *value); int timer_getoverrun(timer_t timer...
users can easily schedule tasks without having to create a recurring timer. For example, to schedule a task to be executed at 10:00 PM on a specific date, users can
ABB P48990001-LT DSSA160A DSSA 160A 电源ABB P3ASF701200B1017 DSCS160 DSCS160 处理器模块 ABB P3ASU21C110 DCU30/7 DCU30/7 ABB P3BDH000002R1 PM802F PM802F 机架 ABB P3BDH000013R1 SA811F SA811F 电源模块 ABB P3BDS005799R1 PM665 处理器模块 ABB P3BHB001914R1 AX645 ABB P3BHT205002R1...
Setthe kitchen timer going... 让厨房计时器开始计时。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 A phrase from the conference floorsetmy mind wandering... 会上发言者的一句话让我思绪飘远。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Setthe volume as high as possible... 将音量尽量调大。
11. a. To value or regard something at the rate of: She sets a great deal by good nutrition. b. To fix at a given amount: The judge set bail for the defendant at $50,000. c. To make as an estimate of worth: We set a high value on human life. 12. a. To cause to sit...
08-25-2006 11:07 AM Re: $SETIME and Timer Queues John,Thanks! I appreciate the time you put into this. Indeed I was calculating the absolute time for the next AST to fire. My timer routine fires once a minute at 30 seconds into the minute. The goal was to have the cy...
Set a timer in expressions? Hello there my fellow Maya shamans, I've got an easy to explain, hard (for me) to pull out situation, that I hope you ladies & gentlemen can enlight me (and save learning time) : ) .The situation is the following:I want Set drive a rotating motion. ...
There must be one set of laws for the whole of the country... 整个国家必须要有一套统一的法律。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 I might need a spare set of clothes... 我可能需要一套备用的衣服。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Graf was leading 5-1 in the first set. 格拉芙第一盘以 5 比 1 领先。 柯林斯高...
Section 4.4 System timer, SysTick Regards, Daniel 1 Kudo Reply 02-10-2023 06:46 AM 5,506 Views Eashwar Contributor I Hi Daniel, I also have the same requirement to generate microsecond delay, but my Controllers is MPC5777C. OSIF is connected to PIT(default) and its f...