17. to adjust (a timer, alarm, etc.) so as to sound when desired. 18. to fix at a given point or calibration: to set the dial on an oven. 19. to fix or mount (a gem or the like) in a frame or setting. 20. to ornament or stud with gems or the like. 21. to cause...
users can easily schedule tasks without having to create a recurring timer. For example, to schedule a task to be executed at 10:00 PM on a specific date, users can
17. to adjust (a timer, alarm, etc.) so as to sound when desired. 18. to fix at a given point or calibration: to set the dial on an oven. 19. to fix or mount (a gem or the like) in a frame or setting. 20. to ornament or stud with gems or the like. 21. to cause...
Setinto an alcove under the side deck is a tiny wash basin. 舷边甲板下面的一个凹处放了一个小小的洗脸盆。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Setthe kitchen timer going... 让厨房计时器开始计时。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 A phrase from the conference floorsetmy mind wandering... ...
时钟源设备(closk source device):抽象那些能够提供计时功能的系统硬件,比如 RTC(Real Time Clock)、TSC(Time Stamp Counter),HPET,ACPI PM-Timer,PIT等。不同时钟源提供的精度不一样,现在pc大都是支持高精度模式(high-resolution mode)也支持低精度模式(low-resolution mode)。
BSM50GX120DN2BOSA1 6pcs GS2107-WTBD 1pcs (要未税价) HMI Pro-face 3480901-06 PL7930-T42-PM 1 ABR090A-S2-P2 1 (要未税价) OMRH04-000 OMTH04-002 OMTW06-6AH OMRW06-69G SKIIP,28ANB16V2 西门康模块 5 SCD1520-TDC 1 EIW215-N02-X7 10 阿拉伯 SSP-56-230VAC 1 AX FA 11G...
Anonymous 1287 Views, 8 Replies 07-16-2021 07:44 AM Set a timer in expressions? Hello there my fellow Maya shamans, I've got an easy to explain, hard (for me) to pull out situation, that I hope you ladies & gentlemen can enlight me (and save learning time) : ) .The si...
Select a timer counter as time stamp Use PCIe DMA to transfer a consecutive bulk of DDR or SRAM from one place (PCIe bus field Address) to another place (CPU field address). Record the timestamp of the start and end of the data transferring. Then calculate the bandwidth...
Set into an alcove under the side deck is a tiny wash basin. 舷边甲板下面的一个凹处放了一个小小的洗脸盆。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Set the kitchen timer going... 让厨房计时器开始计时。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 A phrase from the conference floor set my mind wandering... 会上发言者的一句话让我思绪...
Assign that to a custom button and you'll be able to toggle it on and off at will. 发表时间 Tue 23 Feb 16 @ 6:57 pm AdionPRO InfinityCTOMember since 2006 beatbreaker1 wrote : You can manually do this by opening the automix editor and setting all your tracks to fade at 2:50...