有个方法:addAll(Collection c); //可以接受Set和List类型的参数 例子:import java.util.*;public class T{ public static void main(String[] args){ Set<String> set = new HashSet<String>();set.add("a");set.add("b");set.add("c");Vector<String> v = new Vector<String>(...
vector<int> a(100, 0); //这里声明的是一已经个存放了100个0的整数vector 2.向量操作 常用函数: size_t size(); // 返回vector的大小,即包含的元素个数 void pop_back(); // 删除vector末尾的元素,vector大小相应减一 void push_back(); //用于在vector的末尾添加元素 T back(); // 返回vector末...
aRaster to vector conversion, consists of changing an image made up of cells (raster image) into one made up of points, lines and polylines (vector layer). Since it is natural to use the one pixel width skeleton or a set of medial points to simplify and represent a raster image, most...