Lambda that processes all SES bounces, complaints and deliveries, sends metrics to DataDog and forwards to a filterable SNS queue. - CruGlobal/cru-ses-processor
organization_arn- (Required) The ARN of the WorkMail organization topic_arn- (Optional) The ARN of an SNS topic to notify position- (Required) The position of the action in the receipt rule See the source of this document Data Sources...
SES默认不会给你长期保存记录单的,因此需要自己处理一下。目前豆子公司对于发送出去的SES邮件,每次都会触发 SNS的 一个Topic,这个Topic 又绑定了2个不同的lambda 函数,分别把这个邮件写入 Dynamodb 和 S3 中保存 SES里面的notification 发送对应的事件给SNS topic SNS里面的topic,一个是发邮件给teams channel,一个... init Sep 14, 2019 Repository files navigation README Get email details from a dynamodb table and send with ses, in a serverless way with aws (batch, dynamodb, lambda and ses). Templating system is based on handlebars. Install npm i --production create an aws-keys.json with...
yamlhcl resource:aws_ses_active_receipt_rule_set:main:rule_set_name:primary-rules Argument Reference The following arguments are supported: rule_set_name- (Required) The name of the rule set See the source of this document ...
Provision Infrastructure with Terraform Verify your domain and email address on SES before running this Create a terraform Token which has admin access to your AWS Account Build and generate your in the terraform directory Provision infrastructure ...
Devops Monitoring Expert, who loves monitoring systems and cutting/bleeding edge technologies: Docker, Kubernetes, ECS, AWS, Google GCP, Terraform, Lambda, Zabbix, Grafana, Elasticsearch, Kibana, Prometheus, Sysdig,... Summary: 4 000+ GitHub stars 10 000 000+ Grafana dashboard downloads 60 000...
5. 配置陷阱即使您正确地获得了代码和 IaC 更改,配置问题仍然可能出现。...} }) } 不幸的是,剩下的一个问题是,我们需要确保 Terraform HCL(HashiCorp 配置语言)中的环境变量,例如 SNS_TOPIC_ARN 或 EVENT_BUS_NAME 8910 如何利用AWS的Lambda服务逗女朋友开心 AWS免费帐户大约20分钟的时间创建Lambda函数现在开...
3. Create a Lambda function to forward incoming mail to your GMail account This point includes two steps. In the first place you will create aLambda functionby opening the main page of Amazon Lambda service in a new browser tab and clicking onCreate a Lambda function. You will select aBl...