"services.restart must be a mapping" 是一个在使用 Docker Compose 时可能遇到的错误信息。下面是对这个错误的详细解释、可能的原因、解决方案,以及一个示例配置。 1. 解释 "services.restart must be a mapping" 的含义 这个错误消息意味着在 Docker Compose 的配置文件(通常是 docker-compose.yml)中,services...
Need some help with my docker-compose: Services must be a mapping Docker Engine Compose magitekk (Erick Pombo Sonderblohm) April 21, 2024, 3:03pm 7 Thanks Bluepuma, using this I got it working, sadly my goal was to install Perforce on Docker while having the P4ROOT in a SMB sh...
The above ‘docker-compose.yml’ file only consist of two lines. The second line is actually triggering the error message. It appears that the ‘services’ definition in that format it is not really a mapping. Well, it is obvious since the definition o...
I try to create a symfony project with docker; but I have this error: services.db.environment must be a mapping My code file docker-compose.yml: version: '3.8' networks: myapp: services: db: container_name: ${APP_NAME}-db image: 'mariadb:latest' restart: always ports: - 3306:3306 ...
docker-compose自定义容器名称报错:ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', services 'container_name' must be a mapping not a string. 接上一个笔记。 继续自定义容器名称: 发现因为格式没有对齐原因导致该报错。 1 services-nginx-web:2image: nginx3expose:4 - 80...
validating compose.yml: services.my_dependent_service.depends_on.0 must be a string The expectation is that the servicemy_dependent_servicestart only whenmy_serviceis healthy Steps To Reproduce With the sample config above, run: docker compose up ...
ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', the service name True must be a quoted string, i.e. 'True' 解决 执行docker-composeup-d报错docker-compose.yml文件,内容如下: 按照提示在在container_name的值上加上单引号还是不行,直接删除contariner_name就可以了 ...
The extends value must be a mapping defined with a required service and an optional file key. extends: file: common.yml service: webapp service: Defines the name of the service being referenced as a base, for example web or database. file: The location of a Compose configuration file ...
使用docker-compose up 命令執行容器 顯示其他 5 個 此內容適用於: v3.0 (GA) v3.1 (GA) Azure AI 文件智慧服務是一項 Azure AI 服務,可讓您使用機器學習技術建置自動化的資料處理軟體。 文件智慧服務可讓您從文件中識別和擷取文字、索引鍵/值組、選取標記、資料表資料等等。 結果會...
Docker compose build error - 'services must be a mapping' General docker 222921May 16, 2022 Getting the error as ERROR: The Compose file './docker-compose.yml' is invalid because: Unsupported config option for services: 'db' while composing ...