1. 解释“docker-compose volumes must be a mapping”错误的含义 “docker-compose volumes must be a mapping”这个错误表明在docker-compose.yml文件中,volumes部分的定义不符合Docker Compose期望的格式。具体来说,volumes应该是一个映射(mapping),即键值对的集合,其中键是卷的名称,值是卷的配置信息或指向宿主机...
使用docker-compose安装mysql,docker-compose.yml配置mysql服务后,当使用docker-compose up命令启动时,报错如下: service ‘image‘ must be a mapping not a string 经过检查发现,docker-compose.yml文件的配置格式出现了格式错误,调整格式后解决了。 然后再次启动,报错如下: Error response from daemon: Failed to Se...
I get the following error message: ## ERROR: In file ‘./joplin-docker-compose.yaml’, service ‘volumes’ must be a mapping not a string. I believe my formatting is correct: ‘volumes:’ is indented by four spaces, ‘-./data/postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data’ is indented by 8 s...
docker-compose自定义容器名称报错:ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', services 'container_name' must be a mapping not a string. 接上一个笔记。 继续自定义容器名称: 发现因为格式没有对齐原因导致该报错。 1 services-nginx-web:2image: nginx3expose:4 - 80 5ports:6 - "80:80" 7 container...
- DEV Community), but after simply creating a container with the docker-compose.yml and index.html, I tried to run the docker-compose build command to start the container. However, I keep getting the same error “services must be a mapping”. Does anyone know why I might be getting t...
我们在identidock目录下创建一个名为docker-compose.yml的文件,并写入以下内容(书上P68没有缩紧正确,一直报错ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', service 'ports' must be a mapping not an array.,查了半天,应该是以下这么写): identidock:
services must be a mapping C:\repository\docker\docker-image-build-with-docker-compose> Apparently, the above revision is not working. So, continuing on to the following revision step : The second revision is actually adding double colon to the service name...
Type of issue [ x] Bug New feature Enhancement Description Following the documentation, went to fresh clone, scripts, build directory and ran docker-compose up Get the error: ERROR: In file '.\docker-compose.yml', service must be a mappi...
DOCKER_CUSTOM_HEADERS(Experimental) Configurecustom HTTP headersto be sent by the client. Headers must be provided as a comma-separated list ofname=valuepairs. This is the equivalent to theHttpHeadersfield in the configuration file. DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORMDefault platform for commands that take the...
(已解决)ERROR: In file './docker-compose.yml', service 'networks' must be a mapping not an array 如题错误一般是docker-compose.yml的空格缩进问题导致,例如: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 version:"3.0" services:...