【翻译】ConnectException:与该从服务器具有相同server_uuid/server_id的从服务器已连接到主服务器;第一个事件''在第 4 行,最后一个事件在'./mysql-bin.152542'文件的1380734处读取,从'./mysql-bin.mysql-bin.152542 '文件读取的最后一个字节在1380734。错误码:1236;SQLSTATE: HY000。
目前管理服务器部署在 A 服务器上,多部手机装 atx 服务是在 B 电脑装的,如何快速把手机接入到 A 服务器的管理平台 (除了卸载服务用 A 服务器装以外),因为发现使用 IP+ 端口查看 info 信息 uuid 是一致的,是否只用在 A 服务器某文件写入相应信息就可以连接上 A 服务器管理平台呢? codeskyblue #83· 2018...
The computer whose NIC owns the IP address x.x.1.2 is a domain controller. It's currently booted into normal mode, and has registered the {E351...} replication service UUID with its local EPM. But it doesn't own the name / security identity ...
可以看到,左侧的server-id改成了4310,复制重新建立了,右侧的复制关系又断开了,报错内容跟左边的一致。 到这里,可能有朋友发现了,还有uuid没有改呢,二者的uuid是一样的,是的,实际情况也确实是这样。 于是我们又修改了右侧ECS的uuid值,然后重新启动右侧的ECS实例,搭建复制关系,发现问题已经解决了,实现了我们想要一主...
Specifies the reserved ID, which can be used to queryBMSs created in a batch. Added in micro version 2.26. sort_key No String Specifies the BMS sorting attribute, which can be theBMSUUID (uuid),BMSstatus (vm_state),BMSname (display_name),BMStask status (task_state), power status (powe...
When using this API to create an ECS, you cannot bind an EIP to the ECS during the creation process. To do so, seeCreating an ECS (Pay-per-Use). Parameterportin the three network parameters (port,uuid, andfixed_ip) has the highest priority. If parameterfixed_ipis set, you must spec...
TCP/IP 的默认动态端口范围已更改 Web 应用程序代理疑难解答 使用WHOIS 研究 Internet 域 使用PortQry 命令行工具 虚拟机失去网络连接 WSAEMSGSIZE - Winsock 2.0 中的错误 10040 Webwindows-client 和 WebDAV 具有高级安全性的 Windows 防火墙(WFAS) Windows NIC 组合(负载均衡故障转移) ...
Server's response: UUID: 50abc2a4-574d-40b3-9d66-ee4fd5fba076 ncacn_ip_tcp:[4144] UUID: ecec0d70-a603-11d0-96b1-00a0c91ece30 NTDS Backup Interface ncacn_np:\\MYSERVER[\PIPE\lsass] UUID: e3514235-4b06-11d1-ab04-00c04fc2dcd2 MS NT Directory DRS Interface ncac...
This problem occurs when the DC's replication partner can't complete the RPC connection to AD Replication's RPC Service (DRSR UUID E3514235-4B06-11D1-AB04-00C04FC2DCD2). More specifically, the replication partner can bind to the RPC endpoint mapper, but can't comple...
console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=6fddac24-02 rootfstype=ext4 fsck.repair=yes rootwait # Add the remaining UARTS configured for external access, Note that uart3 is not actually being used due to pin access console=ttyAMA1,115200 console=ttyAMA2,115200 console=ttyAMA3,115200...