java_command: net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch --username Charley --version 1.7.2-Forge10.12.2.1147 --gameDir .minecraft --assetsDir .minecraft\assets --uuid ${auth_uuid} --accessToken ${auth_access_token} --tweakClass cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweakerLauncher Type: SUN_STANDARD...
bytes = bytes.Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(b1)).Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(b2)).ToArray(); string uuid = ""; foreach (byte b in bytes) uuid += b.ToString("x2"); return uuid.Substring(0, 8) + "-" + uuid.Substring(8, 4) + "-" + uuid.Substring(12, 4) + "-" + uuid.Sub...
Your IP address. Payment transactions are stored in our database to know who donated when and how much. You have a choice if your donation is displayed publicly or not on the website. Your minecraft username and uuid. Data logged and registered by Minecraft by default (commands, messages, ...
[uuid] => 922328d2-6a01-33f7-b636-a8f5aacc9795 [ip] => [time] => 1454318534931 [pwd] => helloworld ) ###Web Ban 网页连锁封号 [ 'name', //Target player name 'sender', //The player who want to ban/unban the target player 'reason', //Ban/unban reason 'action',...
OwnerUUIDMost (long):投擲者的UUIDMost。 例子:隨時間擴大的致命煙霧:/summon AreaEffectCloud ~ ~ ~ {Particle:"largesmoke",ReapplicationDelay:20,Radius:2f,RadiusPerTick:-0.002f,RadiusOnUse:0.5f,Duration:600000,DurationOnUse:0.0f,Effects:[{Id:7b,Duration:2400,Amplifier:10b}]} 實體:殭屍 Village...
默认值为true,即开启正版验证。(请注意,如果开启正版验证,那么请务必将所有下游服务器的正版验证关闭,否则玩家将无法连接至下游服务器(BungeeCord 将负责向下游服务器传递玩家的正版数据,如 UUID 等),编者注)。 ip_forward代表是否启用 IP 追踪,默认值为false,即不开启。开启后 BungeeCord 将会向下游服务端传递玩家...
{"uuid": "","name": "","level": 4,"bypassesPlayerLimit": false//修改为true代表在人满时op可以突破人数限制无需排队直接进入服务器}, ` banned-ips/players` 这个文件内记录了服务器内封禁的玩家和ip(段)以及封禁的原因,你可以透过控制台指令或者修改此文件内容以封禁/解封。
ID uuid.UUID Name string } } Version struct { Name string Protocol int } Favicon Icon Delay time.Duration } // Icon should be a PNG image that is Base64 encoded // (without newlines: \n, new lines no longer work since 1.13) // and prepended with "data:image/png;base64,". typ...
ModLauncher running: args [--username, <player>, --version, HMCL 3.3.170, --gameDir, D:\新建文件夹 (4)\能力整合[1.15.2]-Forge-20200611\.minecraft, --assetsDir, D:\新建文件夹 (4)\能力整合[1.15.2]-Forge-20200611\.minecraft\assets, --assetIndex, 1.15, --uuid, <uuid>, --accessTo...
To enable the directory data source, dataBacking.type should be set to directory. The directory to which all of the player data is saved is configured by the field. Within this directory, a file for each player, structured <uuid>.json stores a single JSON object with ...