Update 2: if youre looking for the February 15th maintenance post, head on over here. Update: there is also a server reset coming to South American servers. After the announcement of upcoming upgrades to the servers in the European region, Amazon have sc
The patch that has been causing a lot of trouble today as servers are down and maintenance keeps getting extended was actually a very significant one, as it set up key changes that will allow for server merges, something the community has been asking for for a while. The first round of ...
Online Status UI Your character’s online status is now also applied to the guild system. If you set yourself as Offline/Away in your Friends UI, your guild will see you as Offline/Away too. Your character’s online status will be applied and recorded on the ...
Recipient in Offline/Away status: Invitation alert Sender of the invite: Invitation failed message You can now set your online status from the character selection screen. Store Updates The Art of War Update features a new Neria’s Wardrobe with Baseball Uniform, Winter Coat, New Year’s ...