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Eukrasian DosisLv. 30 Instant 1.5s ↔ 25y 0y Deals unaspected damage over time.Potency:40Duration:30sAdditional Effect:Restores HP to targets under the effect ofKardiongranted by youCure Potency:170Can only be executed while under the effect ofEukrasia.※This action cannot be assigned to...
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My group of FFXIV friends on Cerberus EU has been growing these past few weeks. Returners and newcomers alike are flocking to the game and the excitement for Endwalker lies heavy in the air. For sprouts (FFXIV newcomers) it can be an overwhelming start in Eorzea. The game is 8 years old...
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EukrasianDosisIII); d.RegisterSpell(AID.PhlegmaIII, maxCharges: 2); d.RegisterSpell(AID.PhlegmaIII); d.RegisterSpell(AID.Krasis); d.RegisterSpell(AID.Pneuma); Expand Down 2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 BossMod/ActionQueue/Healers/WHM.cs Show comments View file Edit file ...