显示来自Minecraft服务器的当前玩家数作为Discord机器人上的状态 例子 要求 已安装和 正在运行的Minecraft服务器及其地址 及其令牌 指示 克隆此仓库 运行npm install 将.env.example重命名为.env 编辑.env并添加以下详细信息: DISCORD_TOKEN是您的机器人的令牌 SERVER_ADDRESS是您的Minecraft服务器的地址 运行node index...
一个简单的node.js机器人,可将Fivem服务器的服务器状态,播放器列表和播放器计数发送到Discord频道。 需求 您需要安装Node.js并在此页面上使用不和谐的bot令牌: : 安装 下载文件并安装node.js后,在项目文件夹中进行“ npm install”。 然后,转到config.json文件并添加询问的信息 { "prefix" : "!" , //Your...
MC-Server-Status-Discord-Bot/status.go/ Jump to 100 lines (87 sloc)2.84 KB RawBlame packagemain import( "MinecraftServerStatusBot/mcsrvstat" "fmt" "github.com/bwmarrin/discordgo" "io" "log" "strings" ) funchandleStatus(s*discordgo.Session,m*discordgo.MessageCreate) { ...
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If we look at theGuild Createevent in the discord dev documentation, we see the following: I have a couple of questions about this. First of all, I am not sure exactly when I can create a server using a bot account. Following the "when a user is initially connecting" section, I attem...
_botServices.Logging.LogError(string.Format("Failed to add '{0} to the muted role'", user.Name), ex);throw; } } 开发者ID:Yandawl,项目名称:DAX.Discord,代码行数:31,代码来源:DefenceModule.cs 示例2: CreateInvite Time (in seconds) until the invite expires. Set to 0 to never expire./...
Find the new, best Discord Servers to join, with over 35,000 tagged for easy search, with stats, plus links to join and upvote, checked November 2024
ProBot mixes things up by introducing a standalone dashboard that you can use to create welcome pages, view your Discord stats, manage moderation queues, and set automatic responses to certain words. ProBot comes with a variety of great moderation tools too but it’s the powerful dashboard ...
How to make a Discord bot Slack vs. Discord: Which should you choose? 6 ways to manage your Discord server with automation How to add bots to Discord This article was originally published in January 2023. The most recent update was in March 2024. Get productivity tips delivered straight to...
When you integrate Dyno on your server, it comes with another bot called the Cleverbot. Cleverbot on its own allows you to stream video directly from YouTube to Discord server. You can also use Cleverbot to access Google result and Overwatch stats. Dyno is a premium bot; which means you ...