服务器状态机器人 显示来自Minecraft服务器的当前玩家数作为Discord机器人上的状态 例子 要求 已安装和 正在运行的Minecraft服务器及其地址 及其令牌 指示 克隆此仓库 运行npm install 将.env.example重命名为.env 编辑.env并添加以下详细信息: DISCORD_TOKEN是您的机器人的令牌 SERVER_ADDRESS是您的Minecraft服务器的...
Find Public Discord Servers to join, chat in, or list your Discord Server. Explore unique and useful resources for all your Discord needs.
Dyno Bot is quite a popular Discord bot. This bot can be used to increase the capabilities and functions of your server. It is built with so many features and is fully customizable. It gives you control over so many things like using a dedicated dashboard, automatic moderation, Muting membe...
esmBot esmBot is a free and open-source Discord bot designed to entertain your server. It's made usingOceanicand comes with image, music, and utility commands out of the box. Features Powerful, efficient, and performant image processing powered bylibvips ...
Hello, please can you start your proposal with the word Bot so that I know you have read this. I am looking for a discord server to be created so that if someone searches a number the bot tells you whether that number has been reported or not. I don't kn
Discord 服务器频道附件下载器 BOT 基本信息: 这是Discord Bot,它从指定的服务器频道下载所有附件。 您必须在服务器上管理员的使用许可使用内置的NodeJS机器人,爱可信和Discord.js只与Windows 10进行测试 设置: 首先,你需要拥有安装在计算机/计算机上要安装访问的NodeJS:当你完成了安装,你需要创建一个不和谐的机器...
11. Statbot Statbot is a server stats Discord bot. It tracks stats like how many members you have, the number of messages, how many members are online, the amount of time members spend in voice channels, and a lot more. It stores the info in a dashboard so you can see at a glanc...
Discord Game Server Monitor 📺 A discord bot that monitors your game server and tracks the live data of your game servers. 🚨 Get alerted when your server is down! Learn more: https://discordgsm.com Installation We provide a public discord bot service which allows to monitor 10 servers ...
I got an idea to develop Discord&Telegram bot for playing game. I am develop Telegram bot on Python and my friend do Discord bot on JS, we wanna use Heroku to host and run our server.but we don't have enough knowledge about infrastructure of projects like this. Can anyone briefly tell...
the activities on your server. Not only that, you will have access to a capable dashboard that will serve as the control room to your Discord server. You will be able to do a lot of amazing stuff with just a few clicks of buttons. Things you can do with Tatsumaki Discord Bot include...