AI代码助手复制代码 触发事件 在需要触发事件的地方,您可以使用Laravel的事件广播功能来触发ServerSentEvent事件。例如,在控制器中: useApp\Events\ServerSentEvent;publicfunctionsendMessage(){$data= ['message'=>'Hello, world!'];event(newServerSentEvent($data));returnresponse()->json(['message'=>'Event ...
Creating Server-Sent event in Laravel Let's create new controller called AskController, using this command: php artisan make:controller AskController Then register the controller to routes/web.php: <?php use App\Http\Controllers\AskController; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route; Route::get('/...
Laravel Server Send Event 的使用! Nodelover 2136 发布于 2015-11-16 传送门 我就不再写一遍了。phplaravelhtml5javascript 有用关注2收藏 回复 阅读2.1k 撰写回答 你尚未登录,登录后可以 和开发者交流问题的细节 关注并接收问题和回答的更新提醒 参与内容的编辑和改进,让解决方法与时俱进 注册登录 推荐问题...
PHP SSE: Server-sent Events,通过 PHP 实现了 HTML5 的服务器发送事件,用于实时从服务器推送事件到客户端,比 WebSocket 更简单。
*/protected$listen=['App\Events\OrderShipped' =>['App\Listeners\SendShipmentNotification',],]; Laravel 自带的EventServiceProvider为事件监听器注册提供了方便之所。 [1] 添加监听器和事件到EventServiceProvider。 [2] 将会生成以上文件中的所有 "事件和监听器"。
Optionally, you can configure laravel-echo-server to publish an event on each update to a presence channel, by settingdatabaseConfig.publishPresencetotrue: {"database":"redis","databaseConfig": {"redis": {"port":"6379","host":"localhost"},"publishPresence":true} } ...
A webhook is a way for an app to provide information to another app about a particular event. The way the two apps communicate is with a simple HTTP request. This package allows you to configure and send webhooks in a Laravel app easily. It has support forsigning calls,retrying calls and...
As you can see, we have just extended thenew_messagefunction to check if there are any new messages in thesensors_view_1sview. If there are no new messages, we will returnNoneand theEventSourceResponsewill not send any events. If there are new messages, we will returnTrueand theEventSour...
Optionally, you can configure laravel-echo-server to publish an event on each update to a presence channel, by settingdatabaseConfig.publishPresencetotrue: {"database":"redis","databaseConfig": {"redis": {"port":"6379","host":"localhost"},"publishPresence":true} } ...
{// 找到的情况int event_type=i->second.type;// 拼接属性名称 例如: onstartstd::string property_name="on"+i->;// 将回调函数更新到 Server 对象中zend_update_property(swoole_server_ce,SW_Z8_OBJ_P(ZEND_THIS),property_name.c_str(),property_name.length(),cb);if(server_object...