Laravel's email services may be configured via your application's config/mail.php configuration file. Each mailer configured within this file may have its own unique configuration and even its own unique "transport", allowing your application to use different email services to send certain email ...
在Laravel中,你可以使用Mail facade来发送邮件。例如,你可以在控制器中使用Mail::to($user)->send(new MyEmail($data));来发送邮件。这里的$user是接收邮件的用户,而MyEmail是你之前创建的邮件类。 四、laravel发送邮件:编写内容 Laravel还支持使用Markdown来编写邮件内容,这可以让你的邮件看起来更加专业和美观。...
如果传递一个对象或者对象集合,mailer 在设置收件人时将自动使用它们的 email 和name 属性,因此请确保对象的这些属性可用。一旦指定了收件人,就可以将 mailable 类实例传递给 send 方法:<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use App\Mail\OrderShipped; use App\Models\Order...
四、Laravel邮件发送:发送邮件 需要在控制器或其他服务类中调用Mail::to($recipient)->send(new MyEmail())方法即可。这个方法会自动将邮件发送给指定的收件人。Laravel邮件发送功能会处理所有的底层细节,包括连接邮件服务器、发送邮件、处理错误等。 五、Laravel邮件发送:测试功能 可以使用Laravel的测试框架来模拟邮件发...
Route::any("/emailText","SendEmailController@sendMailtext"); //模板发送邮件 这个模板我就用的laravel自带的测试模板 Route::any("/emailhtml","SendEmailController@mailhtml"); 1. 2. 3. 4. 开发咱们发送邮件逻辑: namespace App\Http\Controllers; ...
Before we can send emails from our PHP server we need to configure a mail driver within Laravel. You can check though using tinker to see that a user was created with an email_verified_at of null. Enter Mailgun Mailgun offers the ability to send emails via SMTP server or over their...
->setFrom([env("MAIL_USERNAME")]) ->setTo(['', '' => 'datou']) ->setBody("hello world"); // Send the message $result = $mailer->send($message); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13....
publicfunctionsendemail(){$email='';$name='caoyuan';$res=['email'=>$email,'name'=>$name,'code'=>rand(1000,9999)];Mail::send('index.account.forget',$res,function($message){$to='';$message->to($to)->subject('【好计网络】');});} ...
QQ邮箱的后台开启smtp和imap发送邮箱授权功能,否则将一直提示你没有授权。详情: 6、发送邮件 Shell Mail::send('email', ['data' => $data], function ($message) { $to = ''; $message->to($to)->subject('12306抢票邮件, 有票啦~~'); }); ...
public function sendEmail() { $view = ''; $id = 99; $data = compact('id',$id); $from = ''; // 发送者 $name = 'roy'; $to = ''; // 接受者 $subject = '感谢注册此网站!请您确认邮箱.'; \Mail::send($view,$data,function ($message) use...