Sertoli cell tumorAbstract: A 14-year-old Italian Griffon and an 11-year-old mixed breed dog were presented to our clinic with monolateral testicular enlargement. In both dogs, a firm, nodular, and nonpainful mass was palpated, and ultrasonographic examination of testicular parenchyma showed a ...
Sertoli cell tumor is one of the three main types of tumors of the testes. Others being seminomas and Leydig cell tumors (D'Angelo et al., 2012; Bini et al., 2015). In male dogs, testicular tumors (TT) are the most common neoplasms (Nødtvedt et al., 2011). Among all canine...
The atrophy evident within the contralateral testicle also strongly suggests the functionality of the Sertoli-cell tumor. The patient in this case exhibited the relatively uncommon finding of hematuria, which was considered to be due to prostatitis secondary to endocrine-induced prostatomegaly. Although...
Ulrich Mohr M.D. (Professor of Experimental Pathology) (Professor of Experimental Pathology) About this chapter Cite this chapter Boorman, G.A., Abbott, D.P., Elwell, M.R., Eustis, S.L. (1987). Sertoli’s Cell Tumor, Testis, Rat. In: Jones, T.C., Mohr, U., Hunt, R.D. (e...
类似于 "sertoli cell" 的短语,可翻译成 德文 Sertoli-Leydig cell tumor Sertoli-Leydig-Zell-Tumor Sertoli cell tumor Sertoli-Zell-Tumor 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“sertoli cell"翻译成 德文 变形 干 匹配词 所有 精确 任何 LH stimulates testosterone synthesis in the Leydig cells, whereas...
The large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumour occurs in association with other complex disorders (i.e. Der großzellige kalzifizierende Sertoli-Zell-Tumor ist meist Teil einer übergeordneten Störung (z. B. springer The Sertoli Cell tumour occasionally made dogs attractive to other male...
Cardiotonic steroid Ouabain Sertoli cell CREB Erk1/2 Alpha4 isoform 1. Introduction The Na+,K+-ATPase (sodium pump) is a membrane-bound enzyme that hydrolyzes ATP to transport 3 Na+ ion out of the cell and 2 K+ ions into the cell. The oligomeric enzyme consists of α and β subunits...
Utility of immunostaining for S-100 protein subunits in gonadal sex cord-stromal tumors, with emphasis on the large-cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor of t... This study concerns the immunohistochemical localization of S-100 alpha, S-100 beta, and whole brain S-100 (wbS-100) in testicular ...
allows the SCs to control and regulate the milieu of the developing germ cells and, along with the secretion of immunomodulatory factors, creates an effective immune-privileged environment. These immune-privileged properties are critical for the protection of the developing germ cells because cell surfa...
MAST cell tumorsSURGICAL dressingsTwo non-descript male dogs were presented with history of sizable swelling in inguinal region which was gradually increased within a period of three months. Clinical examinations revealed difficulty in walking and presence of fluctuating, painful, ...