Sclerosing sertoli cell tumorAdeboye O. Osunkoya MDUropathology (Second Edition)
We report the clinical and pathological features of 10 Sertoli cell tumors of the testis with prominent sclerosis, representing a distinctive, heretofore undescribed subtype of Sertoli cell tumor in the human. The patients were mostly in their 3rd and 4th decades (median age, 30 years; range, ...
The cut surface of the adult granulosa cell tumor is nodular and light yellow (D). Granulosa cells usually have scanty cytoplasm and pale, uniform, angular to oval, often grooved nuclei that are typically arranged haphazardly to each other, and typical Call-Exner bodies can be seen (red ...
Summary Testicular Sertoli cell tumors (SCTs) are rare, and most fall into the category of SCTnot otherwise specified (SCT-NOS). Only a few additional types of SCT are recognized. Sclerosing SCT (S-SCT), originally described in 1991, comprises a small fraction of SCTs and was considered a...
Summary Testicular Sertoli cell tumors (SCTs) are rare, and most fall into the category of SCTnot otherwise specified (SCT-NOS). Only a few additional types of SCT are recognized. Sclerosing SCT (S-SCT), originally described in 1991, comprises a small fraction of SCTs and was considered a...
Sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor of the testis: a distinct histological subtype. J Urol 1995; 154: 1756–8. Google Scholar, Medline4. Abbas, F., Bashir, N.W., Hussainy, A.S. Sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor of the testis. JCPSP 2005; 15: 437–8. Google Scholar5. Zukerberg, L.R., ...
We present a case of sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor of the testis that was examined preoperatively by magnetic resonance imaging. A 28-year-old male presented to the urology department of our hospital complaining of a painless mass in the right testicle that had been present for the past 2 ...
Suzuki, T. Kiyokawa, Sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor of the testis: a case report, Hinyokika Kiyo 47 (2001) 293-295.Shimomura T, Kiyota H, Kato N, Abe K, Hasegawa T, Yumoto T, et al. Sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor of the testis: a case report. Acta urologica Japonica 2001;...
Sclerosing Sertoli Cell Tumor of the TestisReport, CaseReport, A CaseGravas S, Papadimitriou K, Kyriakidis A (1999) Sclerosing Sertoli cell tumor of the testis. Scand J Urol Nephrol 33: 197–199
CELL tumorsRIGHT-wing extremismCASTRATIONGONADSSPERMATOGENESISBackground: Testicular Sertoli cell tumor (SCT) is very rare sex cord-gonadal stromal tumor, and sclerosing SCT (SSCT) is even rarer. So far, no more than 50 cases of SSCT have been reported. 80% of SSCTs are less than 2 cm in...