AmericanBritishCultural [sur-puhnt] Phonetic (Standard)IPA Discover More Word History and Origins Origin ofserpent1 First recorded in1300–50;Middle English,fromMiddle French,fromLatinserpent-,stem ofserpēns“crawling”;Serpens Discover More
"limbless reptile," also the tempter in Genesis iii.1-5, from Old French serpent, sarpent… See origin and meaning of serpent.
Like a large proportion of the words used in Genesis, the verb is rare, being found only twice elsewhere in Scripture. In Job 9:17 the meaning seems plainly to be to break, but in Psalm 139:11, where, however, J the reading is uncertain, the sense required is to cover or veil, th...
The meaning "treacherous person" is attested by 1580s (it was used of Satan in early 15c., andserpentandadderare older in this sense) Compare Old Church Slavonicgadu"reptile,"gadinu"foul, hateful." The snake's reputation was not helped by the Genesis story, but the notion is older. The...
What is the meaning of the Naming of the Animals? Why the Naming of Animals was necessary? In the Torah we read (Genesis 2:16-20):“And the Lord G-d commanded man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat.” ...
In the Torah, we read (Genesis 3.1): “Now the Serpent was cunning beyond any beast of the field that Lord G-d (Havaya El-m) had made.” From that, we can conclude that the Serpent was an animal named by Adam. Consequently, Adam acquired the traits of the Serpent’s character. So...
The Serpent is Lucifer.. and the bible says he was a most beautiful Angel, Angels were called men also in the bible..SONS OF GOD. Genesis 6 is clear these angels were breeding human women… being that nakedness..and childbirth were also mentioned in this.. I think it was about ...
“And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up: That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life” (John 3:14-15). Yet it seems strange to employ the cursed snake (a symbol of Satan from Genesis 3:1 to ...
c. 1300, "limbless reptile," also the tempter in Genesis iii.1-5, from Old Frenchserpent,sarpent"snake, serpent" (12c.), from Latinserpentem(nominativeserpens) "snake; creeping thing," also the name of a constellation, from present participle ofserpere"to creep." ...
Individual and family government were not sufficient to control mankind. Relatively soon after the fall,“GOD saw that the wickedness of manwasgreat in the earth, andthatevery imagination of the thoughts of his heartwasonly evil continually” (Genesis 6:5). The whole earth was corrupt and fil...