In this article, I will give you several basic key verses pointing out some of the areas that God does not want any of us treading into. As you will see in the very first Scripture verse I will list below, the Bible is telling us that we are to be wise as serpents and harmless as...
In the power to “tread on serpents and scorpions,” we have a manifest reference to the words of Psalm 91:13. Those words stand in closest sequence with the promise which had been wrested from its true meaning by the Tempter in the great struggle in the wilderness; and it is not over...
The Book of Isaiah is known as the mini-Bible. Where as the first 39 chapters focus on doom and gloom, the remaining 27 chapters are all about God’s salvation. Well, that is,except for chaptersixty-threethat sticks out. You would that what is written in Isaiah would be better fit in...