pip install langchain ``` 接下来,我们将创建一个使用通义大模型和SERPAPI搜索引擎工具的智能体。首先,我们需要导入所需的库: ```python from langchain import Brain, Document, Memory, VectorDB, SemanticSearch, SERPAPI ``` 然后,我们需要设置SERPAPI的API密钥。请将`your_api_key`替换为您的SERPAPI AP...
import osos.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"] = 'Your OpenAI API Key' os.environ["SERPAPI_API_KEY"] = 'Your SerpAPI API Key' 再导入所需的库。 from langchain.agents import load_tools from langchain.agents import initialize_agent from langchain.agents import AgentType from langchain.llms import ...
1:OpenAI apikey 2:Serpapi(需要去Serpapi官网进行申请)⾸先,我们需要在Serpapi官网上注册⼀个账户,并获取apikey。然后像设置OpenAIAPIkey⼀样,将SerpapiAPIkey设置到环境变量⾥。代码 import osfrom langchain.agents import load_toolsfrom langchain.agents import initialize_agentfrom langchain.llms...
The problematic code within langchain_community.utilities.google_lens attempts to access a knowledge_graph key in the response. However, this results in a KeyError if the knowledge_graph key is not present in the response. It seems that the code does not account for scenarios where the ...
python openai serpapi langchain Updated Apr 22, 2024 Jupyter Notebook dimitryzub / seo-position-tracker Star 22 Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A simple Python CLI and in-code SEO position tracking tool for Google and 6 other search engines. python website web seo python3 ranking ...
• using the demo SerpApi key, • and output the results in JSON. GET https://serpapi.com/search.json?engine=google&q=Fresh+Bagels&location=Seattle-Tacoma,+WA,+Washington,+United+States&hl=en&gl=us&google_domain=google.com&num=10&start=10&safe=active Code to integrate cURLRubyPython...
require 'google_search_results' params = { engine: "google_maps", type: "place", place_id: "ChIJPS8b1vhYwokRldqq2YHmxJI", api_key: "secret_api_key" } search = GoogleSearch.new(params) place_results = search.get_hash[:place_results] JSON Example { "place_results": { ... "...
SerpAPI's Google Search API, combined with OpenAI and Langchain is the cutting edge stack for building insanely powerful apps that intelligently fetch real-time data. The use cases are truly endless and implementation could not be more simple. Try running a Langchain agent with SerpAPI in verb...
拿到API key之后,可以用以下python代码进行访问google搜索: # pip3 install serpapiimportserpapiparams={"engine":"google","q":"东莞市","api_key":"你申请的apikey"}search=serpapi.search(params)print(search)# 打印搜索结果,即可查看google搜索返回的数据了。