针对你提出的问题“did not find serpapi_api_key, please add an environment variable serpapi_api_key”,我将按照提供的提示逐一解答,并包含必要的代码片段(如果适用)。 1. 确认serpapi_api_key的作用和来源 serpapi_api_key是SerpApi服务的API密钥,用于在代码中调用SerpApi的API时进行身份验证。这个密钥通常...
I am not sure why and I really do not care because I have never seen a hit from DMOZ in my log but my website has been removed from DMOZ and a quality top 10 listing in the SERP for Google is now lost. I have to assume the two are related since my site has been 6th-10th fo...