There are ones that aim to focus specifically on the truth of the gospel like The Meaning of the Cross or What Is A Real Christian? These are straightforward gospel sermon outlines that talk about what Christ has done for us.However, we recognise that in many cultures, a lot of people ...
Satan behaved very strangely, if the devil understood Jesus had come to die for human sin, why would Satan actively cooperate in Jesus' atoning death? Hadn't Jesus often warned that the cross would be the undoing of Satan? Because of the cross Paul said: "[And] having spoiled ...
Attitudes like Ted Turner‟s and others will never diminish God‟s love (however derogative or sinister they are) because the death of Christ on the cross will continue to declare it. So, this morning I want to look at the declarations of the Cross…and as we do so, may these ...
Tradition holds that Peter died a martyr’s death on the cross. Unlike Jesus, Peter insisted on being crucified upside down, because he thought himself unworthy to be crucified in the same manner as Christ. This may not sound like a good thing, but remember that few people are a Peter an...
The authors also conducted 33 interviews, which are cross-referenced throughout as “IX, IY, IZ etc.” (see Appendix A, Table 5). This included 14 in-depth semi-structured expert interviews focussing on sectoral level developments, as well as 19 interviews with individuals directly involved wit...
Handout Key Handout - Lower Elementary Handout Clean Temple - Preschool Handout Video Lesson Jesus Cleans The Temple Full Upper Elementary Lesson Plan Jesus Cleans the Temple - Upper Elementary Lesson Full Lower Elementary Lesson Plan Jesus Cleans the Temple - Lower Elementary Lesson...
On Hugh Blair, see R. Morell Schmitz, Hugh Blair (New York: King’s Crown Press, 1948); see also Richard Sher’s entry on Hugh Blair in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, s.v. “Blair, Hugh (1718–1800).” 6. Jane L. McIntyre, “Character: A Humean Account,” History ...
XIII. Prophets False and True XIV. The Good Fight of Faith XV. Constraining Love XVI. The Creeds and Doctrinal Advance XVII. Christ Our Redeemer XVIII. The Doctrine of the Atonement XIX. The Active Obedience of Christ XX. The Bible and the Cross...
“O the sweet wonders of that cross, Where God the Saviour lov’d and died; Her noblest life my spirit draws, From his dear wounds and bleeding side, ” If so, you are on a fair way to imitate Christ. But do not seek to copy him until you are bathed in the fountain ...
There are two different kinds of gospel messages in this section. There are ones that aim to focus specifically on the truth of the gospel likeThe Meaning of the CrossorWhat Is A Real Christian?These are straightforward gospel sermon outlines that talk about what Christ has done for us. ...