There are two different kinds of gospel messages in this section. There are ones that aim to focus specifically on the truth of the gospel likeThe Meaning of the CrossorWhat Is A Real Christian?These are straightforward gospel sermon outlines that talk about what Christ has done for us. ...
The evangelistic sermon is the gospel message of Jesus Christ. It means you construct a sermon around the gospel. You may want to look at the Cross of Calvary. The Cross of Calvary declares God’s love for us. You may simply structure your sermon around the three declarations of the Cross...
Join the thousands of pastors who rely on SermonSearch every week to find ideas, insights, and inspiration they need to create life-changing sermons. TRY IT FREE FOR 30 DAYS AND GET: 30 Free Sermon Outlines Search 30,000+ sermon outlines & get sermon ideas in your Inbox from top Christia...
This sermon outlines the difference between building a house on sand or on rock in following Jesus. Scripture passage for the sermon: “Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many...
The Pilgrims Progress Emperor Just Mercy A...Neighborhood Unplanned Coming Soon New Sermon Outlines Our custom written Sermon Outlines will help you incorporate your favorite clips into your teachings. WingClips on Facebook Like us on FB to see our "Daily WingClip," share clips with friends,...
and consequently various outlines have been presented by different writers. Those of C. W. Votaw in HDB, Canon Gore in The Sermon on the Mount, and H. C. King in The Ethics of Jesus are worthy of special mention. The following analysis of the Sermon as recorded by Matthew is given as...
Sermon information provides information about sermons, sermon outlines, sermons that work and free online sermons.
John MacArthur's "The War on Children" New book about providing refuge for your children in a hostile world New Ministry Toolkit for Pastors Free download of wedding and funeral outlines, pastoral care passages, and articles. MacArthur Old Testament Commentaries New series...
This book outlines “how to become a success, and shows you how these principles are not anything new. Nothing but solid biblical truths! If you are looking to the answers to the following questions this book is for you. Is it right for me to want to be successful? Can I live a ...
John MacArthur's "The War on Children" New book about providing refuge for your children in a hostile world New Ministry Toolkit for Pastors Free download of wedding and funeral outlines, pastoral care passages, and articles.