The wisdom of this Book of Proverbs is not simply intellectual, but it has its roots in reverence and obedience to God, and for its accompaniment, righteousness. The wise man is the good man, and the good man is the godly man. And as is wisdom, so its opposite, folly, is not only...
A religious reason is adduced in justification of disobedience. God said, Exterminate, but the people said, Sacrifice. God, however, rejected the offering which was presented at the expense of obedience. Learn then: — 1. That Divine requirements are absolute. 2. That God will not allow one...
The act of sin is the disobedience. The disobedience comes from unbelief in Christ Almighty. Believe in Christ and obedience follows. Keeping the 10 commandments does not save. The keeping is the symptom of belief in Christ. The belief in Christ saves. Genesis 15:6: And he believed in the...
The faith and obedience of Abraham put to a most extraordinary test [Genesis 22:1]. He is commanded to offer his beloved son Isaac for a burnt-offering [Genesis 22:2]. He promptly prepares to accomplish the will of God [Genesis 22:3-6]. Affecting speech of Isaac [Genesis 22:7]; ...
they objected and said, “What are you doing carrying that? Don’t you know it’s the Sabbath? It’s not lawful for you to carry things on the Sabbath!” He answered them, “The man who healed me told me to pick it up and walk.” ...
The Spirit of Obedience W. Clarkson Leviticus 10:12-20 Health a Duty as Wall as a Blessing W. Clarkson Leviticus 11:3 Clean and Unclean - a Lesson on Sin W. Clarkson Leviticus 11:4-47 Clean and Unclean - Three Side Truths W. Clarkson Leviticus 11:4-47 The Abominable Thing W. Clarks...
Only God can remove the difficulties that stand in the way of an entirely consecrated and blessed life, but there are commands and duties which it is incumbent on us to fulfil. In some cases we are withholding obedience that we should give at once. There are things which we ought to do...
2. Since they are such, and capable of moral government, their nature requires a law, as a test of their obedience and for the exercise of their capabilities; and it is His prerogative, who is not only the sovereign Lord, but infinitely wise, to say what is right, to enact such law...
1. Because all the reasons of this commandment are moral and perpetual; and God has bound us to the obedience of this commandment with more forcible reasons than to any of the rest--First, because he foresaw that irreligious men would either more carelessly neglect, or more boldly break ...
No word is said of his state of mind, his sense of sin, his repentance, his return to the attitude of submission and prompt obedience to the Divine command. The facts are set before us in the barest, most naked simplicity, without one single sentence of reflection. The only probable ...