不聽從福音`(Disobedience to the Gospel) 2013 - 07 - 28 AM 體貼肉體之人與真正的基督徒 (The Carnal Man and the Real Christian) 2013 - 07 - 28 PM 亡魂島 (The Island of Lost Souls) 2013 - 07 - 21 PM 對耶穌的簡單信念 (論以賽亞書53章 - 第十五講 / SERMON NUMBER 15 ON ISAIAH...
They confess their obstinate disobedience to God (vers. 16-19). They hardened their necks, and hearkened not to the Lord's commandments. They confess their slighting of almighty goodness (vers. 20-26). They confess their refusal of Divine warning (vers. 27-30). They confess they did not...
4. Asserts complete readiness to meet whatever charge may be preferred against him. "Say on" (ver. 16). "See how sin is multiplied by sin. The transgressor of God's command stands forth as the accuser of the people, the speaker of gross falsehood. The spirit of disobedience evoked as ...
He reaches the following conclusions: (a) every sin is always first and foremost an offence against God, (b) sin is a spiteful and terrible thing against Nature, (c) disobedience to the will of God is an integral part of man and an efficient principle of his action. The sermon ends ...
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying: 14 “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” 15 So it was, when the angels had gone away from them into heaven, that the shepherds said to one another...
A believer feels happy with the coming of Ramadan because it is the time of learning patience, of doing good deeds, and of keeping away from disobedience. (Istiqbal Ramadan, p.326 - Welcome Ramadan, p.330) This example describes how Muslims rejoice when Ramadan, the month of fasting, ar...
Does he get on board with God’s message of forgiveness, or is he punished for his own disobedience?” Challenge accepted. This play, called “Jonah: The Fifth Chapter” was something I wrote at the URJ 6 Points Creative Arts Academy in 2022. Two of our confirmation students performed ...
In the first, it began with a single act of disobedience. It resulted in the total corruption of Adam's race, the First Judicial Hardening of humanity, followed by the judgment of God upon their gross wickedness and the destruction of the whole antediluvian world in the waters of the ...
Disappointment and Disobedience W. Clarkson Ezra 9:1-4 Sensibility W. Clarkson Ezra 9:4-15 Things Exceptional W. Clarkson Ezra 10:1-8 Sin and Repentance W. Clarkson Ezra 10:9-44 Prosperity and Adversity W. Clarkson Nehemiah 1:1-4 A Prayer: its Characteristics W. Clarkson Nehemiah 1:5-...
Though joy is less self-concealing than sorrow, yet it has depths unknown to any but its possessor and its God. The joy that rushed into Abraham's heart when Isaac descended with him from the altar on Moriah; the joy of the father when he pressed his prodigal son to his bosom; the ...