just after Pentecost. Because they saw what God had done for them, they gave of their wealth to the church. Some even sold land or houses, and gave the proceeds to the church, so that there was enough cash in the church to cover costs and give to those in need...
She suffered through the crucifixion, celebrated the resurrection, and even was part of the small group that witnessed the powerful presentation of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14) What a gift from God, to live long enough for parenting to make sense! Some parents live ...
Pentecost may seem to be more connected with the early Christian church, but it was also an important festival for the Jews.The Feast of Tabernacles was a memorial of Israel’s entry into Canaan; and for the church of the New Testament, it was an anticipation of their entry into the ...
Students of the Scripture have various understandings of the meaning of this incident and how it relates to the Day of Pentecost, where the Bible describes the coming of the Spirit. Some make a distinction between empowerment for life and ministry, while others view this as a sprinkling of th...
The author also shares his experience of reading through the Gospel of Mark as a part of his personal devotionals. He explains about love by stating that God sent his Son Jesus to die for human beings because he loved the human race. In the same manner God raised Jesus Christ from the ...
Pentecost People People of God People of the Spirit Perception perfect life Perfection Pergamum Persecution Perseverance Perseverence persistance Persistence Person of Jesus Personal personal development Personal Relationship Personal Sin Personality Perspective Perspectives Peter Peter the Apostle Philadelphia Philemon...
Pentecost 19A October 11, 2020 Hofheinz-Döring, Margret. Worship of the Golden Calf, fromArt in the Christian Tradition, a project of the Vanderbilt Divinity Library, Nashville, TN.http://diglib.library.vanderbilt.edu/act-imagelink.pl?RC=55987[retrieved October 10, 2020]. Original source: ...
Not long ago I visited a church where I got to hear The Sheep Sermon again. It had been quite a while, years I guess. But The Sheep Sermon hadn’t changed a whole lot over the years. It even still had the part about the broken leg. You may have heard som
The Intoxicating Power of Pentecost 53:19 Rick Brooks • 6/23/24 Liberty Baptist Church - Foundations of the Faith See the Spirit's Work! 57:41 Shane Sander • 6/23/24 Journey Christian Fellowship - John Understanding the Significance of Conviction of Sin 14:57 Dave Jenkins • 6...
On the day of Pentecost, after Peter had preached his greatest sermon about Christ and His truth, the hearers came to him and said, Acts 2:37: “‘Men, brethren, what shall we do?’ And Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the...