The third principle is this: to give to the collective. Acts 4:32-37 tells us about the early church, just after Pentecost. Because they saw what God had done for them, they gave of their wealth to the church. Some even sold land or houses, and gave the proceeds to the church, so...
The Intoxicating Power of Pentecost 53:19 Rick Brooks • 6/23/24 Liberty Baptist Church - Foundations of the Faith The Necessity of Public Worship 1:05:53 Scott Holland • 6/16/24 Covenant Reformed Baptist - 使徒保羅與希百耳輩書 10:24-25 There’s a Name for It! 56:15 Chazz ...
Pentecost in the Old Testament 25:55 Dr. John Whitcomb • 5/20/23 300+ Whitcomb Ministries - (EGT) Significance-Pentecost Happiness is 45:28 John Kuvakas • 3/5/23 Warrenton Bible Fellowship - Psalms A Year in the Life of Israel: Remembering God With Sacred Time 49:09 Mitch Ch...
who’ve told me personally. I don’t think there’s been another evangelist in this century with a greater or more powerful ministry than George Jeffreys. In those days, Pentecost was a kind of derided little sect. Few people were willing to pay the price to follow. But when George Jeffr...
She suffered through the crucifixion, celebrated the resurrection, and even was part of the small group that witnessed the powerful presentation of the Holy Spirit on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 1:14) What a gift from God, to live long enough for parenting to make sense! Some parents live ...
Children’s Sermon based on theLectionary Reading (August 18, 2019) PROPER 15 (20)Tenth Sunday after Pentecost Year C 🎉 52-Week-Curriculum 2025🎆 FREE New Year's Coloring PagesFREE 📩 30-minute Lessons Bonus Ideas: Some more inspiration for your teaching ...
“Every man according as he professed in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.” Is this an injunction that will, in the least, comport with the supposition, that the individuals of this church had nothing of their own, but had ...
” It was more forceful and impetuous than the gushing life of Spring. It was like the rushing mighty wind, in which was the sounding beat of celestial pinions, and which filled Jerusalem on Pentecost, crowning each mute disciple with cloven tongues of fire.[Acts 2:1-3] No sooner did ...
Pentecost People People of God People of the Spirit Perception perfect life Perfection Pergamum Persecution Perseverance Perseverence persistance Persistence Person of Jesus Personal personal development Personal Relationship Personal Sin Personality Perspective Perspectives Peter Peter the Apostle Philadelphia Philemon...
4thSunday after Epiphany(year c) Humor|Clergy on the Move|Peace & Justice NexGen Worship & Preaching|Valentine's Day Texts & Discussion: Jeremiah 1:4-10 Psalm 71:1-6 1 Corinthians 13:1-13 Luke 4:21-30 Other Resources: Commentary: ...