dicom序列描述SeriesDescription dixon是什么序列 1、单位脉冲序列 单位脉冲序列是在离散时间信号和系统分析中常用的一种基本序列,它也被称为δ函数或者Dirac δ函数。 单位脉冲序列的数学定义为: δ[n] = {1 for n = 0; 0 for n ≠ 0} 这里,n是离散时间索引。当n等于0时,δ[n]等于1。当n不等于0时,...
1. how to get series description by using the above code? I am also tried with send tag code of series description(0008 , 103e)with above code but there is no value is returning from server side. EDITED: Looking into Dicom Conformance Statement is a good advice. If PACS is following t...
ID,etc., and also one special attribute containing the image pixel data (i.e.logically, the main object has no "header" as such: merely a list ofattributes, including the pixel data). A single DICOM object can only containone attribute containing pixel data. For many modalities, this corr...
<description>Generate XML Element and UID Dictionary from DICOM Part 6 and 7</description> Expand Down 1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 1 dcm4che-dict/src/main/resources/arcelements.xml Show comments View file Edit file Delete file This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may...
Description copied from class: DatabaseInformationModel For a particular information entity, find the name of the column in the entity's database table containing the DICOM UID for the entity. For example, for an instance (e.g. an image), this might be the name of the column corresponding...
NoDescription 1Accesaumenudechangementdemode. Allezaureglagedelaluminosite. Passezenmodesource、. Allezaumenuprincipal. sp83 mwAlumerEieindre. Declarationsreglementairesetdesecurite DeclarationdelaFCC -办Ceteqguipementa6controleetd6clareconformeauxlimitesfxkespourunappareilnumeriquedeclasseB,envertudelasection15...
<description>Generate XML Element and UID Dictionary from DICOM Part 6 and 7</description> Expand Down 1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions 1 dcm4che-dict/src/main/resources/arcelements.xml Show comments View file Edit file Delete file This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may...