A curated list of awesome C++ (or C) frameworks, libraries, resources, and shiny things. Inspired by awesome-... stuff. - fffaraz/awesome-cpp
Open Graph - Preview Open Graph meta tags of a website @1weiho code api@^1.72.1 Open in Android Studio - Open current Finder directory, selected folder in Android Studio, Add your favorite projects for quick access. @3llomi code api@^1.58.0 Open in Cursor - Open current Finder director...
A list of the biggest datasets for machine learning from across the web. Image datasets, NLP datasets, self-driving datasets and question answering datasets.
oracle.ord.dicom.client.DicomTagService The DicomTagService class extends the DicomService class to provide services to extract DICOM metadata using DICOM attribute tags. DICOM attribute tags are defined by the DICOM standard. A DicomTagService object is created by specifying a list of DICOM attribu...
Awesome Rust If you want to contribute, please readthis
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文档AWS SDK 示例 GitHub 存储库中还有更多S AWS DK 示例。 本文属于机器翻译版本。若本译文内容与英语原文存在差异,则一律以英文原文为准。 将ListAssociationVersions与 CLI 配合使用 PDF 以下代码示例演示如何使用ListAssociationVersions。 anchoranchor AWS CLI ...
L_TagsSupported L_TemperatureBitmap L_TempFileMode L_TextBlurDetector L_TextBlurFree L_TextureAlphaBlendBitmap L_TissueEqualizeBitmap L_ToggleBitmapCompression L_TransformFile L_TranslateBitmapColor L_TrimBitmap L_TunnelBitmap L_UnderlayBitmap L_UnlockSupport L_UnsharpMaskBitmap L_UnWarp L_Upda...
Indexing a numpy array with a list of tuples https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28491230/indexing-a-numpy-array-with-a-list-of-tuples X[tuple(zip(*idx1))] X[idx2[:,0], idx2[:,1]]
Enables QuickLook previews of Illustrator (AI) files saved with PDF compatibility. More information Dec 02 Brainsight File Types, License: Payment or Software Required 1 Comment » Brainsight QuickLook is a Quick Look generator plugin that allows medical images in the MINC1, MINC2, DICOM, ...