a result are vulnerable in the same way as many serialisation technologies are - snippets of code (POP gadgets) that execute during or soon after deserialisation can be controlled using the properties of the serialized objects, often opening up the potential for arbitrary code or command execution...
Coverage remained the same at 92.202% when pulling 1abe926 on JoshCunninghame:kotlin_deserialisation_gadget into cb4c951 on find-sec-bugs:master. h3xstream approved these changes Jul 23, 2018 View reviewed changes plugin-deps/src/main/java/org/apache/commons/collections4/Transformer.java @@ ...
[英]A JSONSerialiser provides the ability to serialise and deserialise to/from JSON. The serialisation is set to not include nulls or default values. JSONSerialiser is a singleton. The behaviour of the ObjectMappercan be configured by extending this class and configuring the ObjectMapper. Child...
`toStringEscapesControlCharsInBytes`. The new behaviour encodes `"a\nb"` as `"\u0061\u000A\u0062"`, thus breaking some compatibility (kinda, more like breaking readability). It is possible still to not encode ASCII characters (from `U+0020` to `U+007E`) and persist full compatibility ...
An issue was reported for the Java Object Serialization affecting theJMXInvokerServletinterface: http://foxglovesecurity.com/2015/11/06/what-do-weblogic-websphere-jboss-jenkins-opennms-and-your-application-have-in-common-this-vulnerability/
types to be serialised, that is, primitive data type objects, including objects comprising primitive data type components, can be written to a file or another area of memory, before an application closes; when the application reopens, the primitive data types can be de-serialised and so ...
These configurations are needed for object mapper because Redis GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer uses these configurations. Unable to use Redis GenericJackson2JsonRedisSerializer for serialisation and deserialisation. The enum is exactly how the OpenAPI Spec generates it. ...
import java.util.Set; import static org.elasticsearch.rest.RestRequest.Method.GET; import static org.elasticsearch.rest.RestRequest.Method.HEAD; import static org.elasticsearch.rest.RestStatus.OK; /** * The REST handler for get index and head index APIs. */ public class RestGetIndicesAction ext...
Hi, i am trying following example: class Zoo { public Collection<Animal> animals; } @JsonTypeInfo( use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME, include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY, property = "type") @JsonSubTypes({ @JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Dog.class, n...