不同的 JVM 之间如果想要使用对方的某些对象信息,例如常见的 RMI(Remote Method Invocation,远程方法调用),则需要(通过网络)相互传输对象,而只有二进制的字节序列流才能够保存到硬盘或者在网络上进行传输,这时候就需要通过某种
反序列化 Deserialization : 将字节序列恢复成 Java 对象的过程称为对象的反序列化。 总而言之,序列化机制实现了 Java 对象与字节序列的相互转换,序列化和反序列化是一组逆操作,而且序列化的是对象的状态,也即是对象的属性,而不是方法、类变量等,这些是类定义中的,无需序列化。 2、Java序列化的应用 为什么需要...
②、反序列化(deserialization)一个java对象,第一步则是要构建一个ObjectInputStream对象: ObjectInputStream in =newObjectInputStream(newFileInputStream("e:\\enum.dat")); 同样,有了ObjectInputStream对象以后就可以调用readObject()方法来反序列化一个对象了: Employee emp = (Employee) in.readObject(); ③...
// Java code for serialization and deserialization // of a Java object import java.io.*; class Demo implements java.io.Serializable { public int a; public String b; // Default constructor public Demo(int a, String b) { this.a = a; ...
Serialization and Deserialization A tool for generating payloads that exploit unsafe Java object deserialization [1] Example of Denial of Service using the class java.util.HashSet [2] OpenJDK: Deserialization issue in ObjectInputStream.readSerialData() (CVE-2015-2590) [3] Rapid7: Sun Java Calend...
} catch (Exception e) { throw new SerializeException("Deserialization failed"); } }...
Classes that require special handling during the serialization and deserialization process must implement special methods with these exact signatures: 在实现序列化和反序列化过程中,特殊处理的类需要实现这些特殊的方法: private void writeObject(java.io.ObjectOutputStream out) throws IOException ...
Serialization Filtering- Describes how to prevent deserialization vulnerabilities with the Java serialization filtering mechanism. API Reference java.io Package- Documents all of the interfaces and classes. More Information Examples Examples- Demonstrate different aspects of and uses for Object Serialization. ...