Choose Seresto® Flea and Tick Collar for Cats for hassle-free, odorless, and non-greasy protection for 8 continuous months.
The Seresto® flea and tick collar is odorless and non-greasy (no messy monthly treatments). Seresto® is water-resistant†, and can stay on while swimming or bathing. Are Seresto® collars safe? Each flea and tick collar is rigorously regulated worldwide with your pet in mind. Learn...
The Seresto® tick and flea collar for dogs treats, controls and kills chewing lice. Seresto® is easy to apply, odorless, non-greasy and water-resistant†. Fleas and ticks won’t last. How do dog flea collars work? All Seresto® active ingredients are stored in the collar and slow...
Buy Seresto® Flea & Tick Dog Collar - Large at Petsmart
Seresto® for DogsSeresto® Flea & Tick Collar for Cats The Seresto collar provides cats with clinical strength, flea and tick protection for 8 continuous months. Without the need for a prescription, the #1 Vet Recommended flea and tick collar provides premium protection without the premium pri...
seresto有国产吗 近日,起亚官方正式发布了旗下全新小型SUVSeltos国产版本的官图,并将该车中文名定为赛图斯,这也延续了狮铂拓界等车型的命名方式,同时也宣布新车将于今年二季度上市,当然其实该车大家已经非常的熟悉,这种是KX3傲跑的中期改款版本,既然KX5都改了中文名,那么KX3当然也跑不掉。起码比狮铂拓界要顺口...
牌子中文名称“索来多”,英文名“Seresto”,品牌创立于2012年,由光橙(上海)信息科技有限公司运营,该品牌所属地为上海市。 Seresto/索来多品牌介绍 宠物用品电商品牌,旗下主营猫咪主粮、猫咪零食、猫咪医疗、猫猫保健、猫咪日用、狗狗主粮、狗狗零食、狗狗湿粮等。 该品牌企业入选的百强榜单 光橙(上海)信息科技有限公...
seresto有国产吗 近日,起亚官方揭晓了旗下全新小型SUV Seltos国产版的外观造型,并为其命名为赛图斯,延续了品牌一贯的命名风格,如狮铂拓界等车型。同时,官方透露这款新车预计将在今年第二季度正式登陆市场。作为KX3傲跑的升级改款,赛图斯的名字更加流畅易记,且与早前的赛拉图等车型形成了良好的呼应。
Seresto™ provides dogs and cats with up to 8 months flea and tick protection. For safety information, download the safety data sheets.