SeRestorePrivilege 恢复文件和目录。 SeShutdownPrivilege 关闭系统 …|基于12个网页 2. 恢覆文件和目录 ... SeIncreaseBaseProrityPrivilege 增加调度优先级。 SeRestorePrivilege 恢覆文件和目录。 SeShutdownPrivilege 关闭系统 …|基于2个网页 3. 还原档案及目录 还原档案及...
拥有SeBackupPrivilege和SeRestorePrivilege两种提权能力 在hacktricks里是这样描述这个SeBackupPrivilege能力的 This privilege causes the system to grant all read access control to any file (only read). Use it to read the password hashes of local Administrator accounts from the registry and then use "ps...
┌──(root💀kali)-[~/tryhackme/RazorBlack]└─# nmap-sV-Pn10.10.246.107Starting Nmap7.92( Nmap scan reportfor10.10.246.107Hostisup(0.23s latency).Not shown:986closed tcpports(reset)PORT STATE SERVICE VERSION53/tcpopendomain Simple DNS Plus88/tcpopenk...
拥有SeBackupPrivilege和SeRestorePrivilege两种提权能力 在hacktricks里是这样描述这个SeBackupPrivilege能力的 This privilege causes the system to grant all read access control to any file (only read).Use it to read the password hashes of local Administrator accounts from the registry and then use "psex...