The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) is an archive for high throughput sequencing data, publically accessible, for the purpose of enhancing reproducibility in the scientific community. There are four hierarchical levels of SRA entities and their accessions: STUDYwith accessions in the form of SRP, ERP, ...
原始数据(Raw data) 指测序下机后未经处理的全部原始数据文件,SRA是NCBI中收录原始数据的主要数据库,有454,Illumina,SOLiD,IonTorrent,Helicos 和CompleteGenomics的下机数据,最为常见的是illumina 产生的fastq格式数据。 一:注册NCBI账号 点击NCBI主页my profile填写个人信息(用户名,密码,邮箱),并向NCBI发送邮件确认邮...
Other metadata like unique library names, sequencing platform, and filetype Reference:About Sequence Read Archive (SRA) Submission ( 5.Summary BioSample is an description file. BioProjectrelated toSRA & BioSample --- NBioSample --- Biosamples:SRSxxx --- NSRA --- Experiments:SRXxxx ...
The combination of significantly lower cost and increased speed of sequencing has resulted in an explosive growth of data submitted into the primary next-generation sequence data archive, the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). The preservation... R Leinonen,H Sugawara,M Shumway - 《Nucleic Acids Resear...
Tutorial: How to upload your RNA-Seq data to NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) 20210611 Ⅰ. Creating an NCBI account Ⅱ. Back to the NCBI homepage 2.1 Click “Submit” 2.2 Click “My submission” 2.3 Come into the Submission Portal page as the picture pres...
Sequence Read Archive (SRA)这个网站弄不明白,感觉好复杂的样子,有没有人提交过类似的序列,指点一下...
NCBI. Sequence Read Archive (SRA) [internet]. SRA detection tool. Available from: Fofanov Y, Luo Y, Katili C, Wang J, Belosludtsev Y, Powdrill T, et al. How independent are the appearances of n-mers in different genomes?
BMD-SRA: A Boosting Model for Differentiating Sequence Read Archive Files Based on the Context. The volume of the deposit sequence file is increase dramatically. Also, the submitter of the sequence file is main responsible for annotating. Although the submitter and public repositories pay attention ...
SRA-Explorer Mini web application to explore theNCBI Sequence Read Archiveand easily access downloads for data, either as.srafiles from the NCBI or as.fastqvia theEBI ENA. This tool should out of the box, entirely in your browser with no need for any back-end setup. You can use it in...