您可以通过 SRA 的网页界面直接浏览和下载数据: 在NCBI 网站上,找到 “SRA” 版块。 使用搜索框输入您感兴趣的访问号或关键字。 在搜索结果中,选择您感兴趣的数据集,点击进入。 4.2 使用 SRA Toolkit SRA Toolkit 是一个命令行工具,用于下载和处理 SRA 数据。安装 SRA Toolkit 后,您可以通过命令行进行更高级的...
sequence read archive (sra) repository 文献引用 sequencereadarchive(sra)repositor SRA(SequenceReadArchive)是一个存储高通量测序数据的国际公共数据仓库。它由国家生物技术信息中心(NCBI)维护,作为基因组学和测序研究领域的一个重要的公共资源。在SRA中,测序数据以FASTQ格式存储,并且通常伴随着相关的元数据,例如...
The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) is an archive for high throughput sequencing data, publically accessible, for the purpose of enhancing reproducibility in the scientific community. There are four hierarchical levels of SRA entities and their accessions: STUDYwith accessions in the form of SRP, ERP, ...
原始数据(Raw data) 指测序下机后未经处理的全部原始数据文件,SRA是NCBI中收录原始数据的主要数据库,有454,Illumina,SOLiD,IonTorrent,Helicos 和CompleteGenomics的下机数据,最为常见的是illumina 产生的fastq格式数据。 一:注册NCBI账号 点击NCBI主页my profile填写个人信息(用户名,密码,邮箱),并向NCBI发送邮件确认邮...
Sequence Read Archive (SRA) 2021.8.13 HuPY 1. OverView Prepare the following information for your submission and be ready to: Provide aproject nameanddescription Choose the type or ‘package’ of your samples Providesample metadatathat is unique by sample ...
Tutorial: How to upload your RNA-Seq data to NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) 20210611 Ⅰ. Creating an NCBI account https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ Ⅱ. Back to the NCBI homepage 2.1 Click “Submit” 2.2 Click “My submission” 2.3 Come into the Submission Portal page as the picture pres...
The Sequence Read Archive (SRA) was created and engineered at the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI), National Library of Medicine (NLM), National Institutes of Health (NIH), Department of Health and Human Services. The SRA is part of a cluster of sequencing data repositor...
The combination of significantly lower cost and increased speed of sequencing has resulted in an explosive growth of data submitted into the primary next-generation sequence data archive, the Sequence Read Archive (SRA). The preservation... R Leinonen,H Sugawara,M Shumway - 《Nucleic Acids Resear...
Sequence Read Archive ( SRA ) SubmissionsLeinonen, RaskoRadhakrishnan, RajeshGibson, RichardZalunin, VadimRoutes, SubmissionFormats, DataFormats, MetadataAccount, SubmissionForm, Web
Petabases (1 × 1015bases) of sequencing data are freely available in public databases such as the Sequence Read Archive (SRA)1, in which viral nucleic acids are often captured incidental to the goals of the original studies12. To catalyse global virus discovery, we developed the Serratus...