We infer that the upper sequence formed in a tributary where subglacial meltwater was abundant and that the lower sequence formed on the Siple Coast plain where basal freezing currently dominates the basal thermal regime. The basal ice layer contains the equivalent of 2.1 卤 0.4 m of frozen ...
4. Chronologies in ice cores 5. Chronologies in marine sediment cores 6. Chronologies applied to pollen records 7. Strengths and limitations of climato-stratigraphic alignments: illustrations 8. Future potential of magnetic stratigraphy 9. Sequence of events at the onset and demise of the LIG 10...
Two sections accreted in the vicinity of an embayment on the southwestern end of the lake, and the other two represented part of the southern main basin. We obtained 3,507 unique gene sequences from concentrates of 500 ml of 0.22 μm-filtered accretion ice meltwater. Taxonomic classifications...
aTime will tell, snow will melt, if it is real, then one day it will be felt 日久见人心,雪将熔化,如果它是真正的,然后它将是毛毡的一天 [translate] amore positive despite the prolongation of the process of the transaction. 正面尽管交易的过程的延长。 [translate] aFCC process FCC处理 [...
During the late Quaternary phases with glacier advances can be correlated to changes in Laurentide ice sheet meltwater discharge into the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and into the North Atlantic Ocean on the other hand. The central Mexican glacial history shows a regional pattern that is ...
adaptationsthatallowthemtolowertheirfreezingpointstothatof thesurroundingwater,therebyprotectingthemfromfreezing (GoddardandFletcher,2002;DriedzicandEwart,2004).Thekey freezeavoidanceadaptationsincludetheproductionofantifreeze proteins(AFPs),whichlowerthefreezingpointnon-colligativelyby bindingtoice(Fletcheretal.,2001)...
During the late Quaternary phases with glacier advances can be correlated to changes in Laurentide ice sheet meltwater discharge into the Gulf of Mexico on the one hand and into the North Atlantic Ocean on the other hand. The central Mexican glacial history shows a regional pattern that is ...
Current melting of glaciers has increased interest in understanding glacier hydrology and the interplay between subglacial meltwater, the glacier bed, and ice behavior. However, little is known about the sedimentology of subglacial meltwater deposits, and no sediment type or sequence has been identified...
the GISP2 ice core, and b) if found, determining if it can be used to identify the YDB in other sites lacking precise age control. It was beyond the scope of this study to identify the carrier and source of the Pt, if present. We first tested the hypothesis of a widespread YDB peak...
A method for modifying a foreign nucleotide sequence for enhanced accumulation of its protein product in a monocotyledonous plant and/or increasing the frequency of obtaining transgenic monocotyledonous plants which accumulate useful amounts of a transgenic protein by reducing the frequency of the rare...