Two sections accreted in the vicinity of an embayment on the southwestern end of the lake, and the other two represented part of the southern main basin. We obtained 3,507 unique gene sequences from concentrates of 500 ml of 0.22 μm-filtered accretion ice meltwater. Taxonomic classifications...
A sharp contact, with a striated surface and erosional relief, overlain by structureless diamictite (lodgement till) is typical of grounded ice advance. Grounded ice retreat is characterized by structureless diamictite (lodgement till), overlain by crudely stratified diamictite (melt-out till) and...
4. Chronologies in ice cores 5. Chronologies in marine sediment cores 6. Chronologies applied to pollen records 7. Strengths and limitations of climato-stratigraphic alignments: illustrations 8. Future potential of magnetic stratigraphy 9. Sequence of events at the onset and demise of the LIG 10...
The interbeds also reveal deformation that is oriented parallel to the ice-flow direction and which we attribute to deformation during ice-bed reattachment. This sediment sequence parallels in character the seasonal behavior of supraglacial meltwater development on Greenland and moulin drainage, and ...
The microbial content of ancient ice core samples has also shown to be inconsistent when analysed by different laboratories [39]. The importance of this issue when analysing low biomass samples, despite such high-profile reports of reagent contamination, apparently remains underappreciated in the ...
Surface ice samples ($0.5 kg) collected from the ablation zone of Ecology Glacier (King George Island, Antarctica; 62°10,692 0 S, 058°28,897 0 W) using an auger (20 cm long, 2.5 cm diameter) were transported in sterile plastic bags and allowed to melt in a refrigerator (4 °C)...
A sharp contact, with a striated surface and erosional relief, overlain by structureless diamictite (lodgement till) is typical of grounded ice advance. Grounded ice retreat is characterized by structureless diamictite (lodgement till), overlain by crudely stratified diamictite (melt-out till) and...
Antarcticadynamicglacial sequence stratigraphyglacimarinelate MiocenepolythermalsubpolarThe Upper Miocene interval of the AND sediment core is a muddy ca 300 m thick succession of glacimarine strata that was recovered from the McMurdo sector of the Ross Ice Shelf, Antarctica. This succession comprises...
Only two vascular plant species have survived and adapted to these extreme environments, with a very limited distribution restricted to the maritime Antarctic, while mosses are common plants on extensive ice-free areas of Antarctica. Sanionia uncinata is one of the most dominant moss species in ...
suggest shoreface-inner shelf to outer shelf basin margin settings with deposition under the influence of near-shore traction currents, subglacial ice contact, ice-rafting, meltwater, and turbidity associated with ice margin advance and retreat, along with sea level variations in the order of 50 ...