⑴序列一致性或同一性(sequence identity) : 两条序列在同一位点上的核苷酸或氨基酸残基完全相同。 The extent to which two (nucleotide or amino acid ) sequences are invariant. ⑵ 序列相似性(sequence similarity): 两条序列间直接的数量关系。 ⑶ 同源性(Homology): 从某一共同祖先经趋异进化而形成的不同...
The relationship between functional similarity and sequence identity for human-mouse orthologs (red), inparalogs (green), within-species outparalogs (blue), between-species outparalogs (purple).Nathan L. NehrtWyatt ...
species with low sequence identity like microsporidia, sequence-based annotations are not sufficient. However, since the structure and the biological role of a protein are connected, protein function can be inferred using structural similarity searches. We developed a functional annotation workflow that a...
First, we noticed a high sequence identity between the viral early gene promoter and that of the CRISPR-Cas subtype I-A interference gene cluster among Sulfolobales that we studied previously (Supplementary Fig. 6). A RSAT matrix search within the S. islandicus LAL14/1 genome identified ...
filtered such that no cluster has a maximum sequence identity of higher than 95% and added to the MSA. Moreover, in the last round of MSA construction, sequences are filtered to keep the 3,000 most-diverse sequences in the sequence identity buckets [0.0–0.2], (0.2–0.4], (0.4–0.6]...
Towards a taxonomic coherence between average nucleotide identity and 16S rRNA gene sequence similarity for species demarcation of prokaryotes. Among available genome relatedness indices, average nucleotide identity (ANI) is one of the most robust measurements of genomic relatedness between strains... Min...
To compare domain networks derived from different soils we used a simple similarity metric, which defined networks as closely related if at least 50% of their domains shared 90% or greater identity. Based on this metric, only a small subset of networks is shared between any two soils (Fig....
The top 15 primate genomes with unambiguous levels of similarity/identity are presented, based on multiple alignments of 30 mammalian genomes. The 15 pairwise alignments of each specie with the human genome (green boxes) are shown below the NCBI RefSeq annotation of the genes as a wiggle track...
we denote it as\({\hat{p}}^{0}(S)\)(Fig.1, left). In the natural analysis, the training and target MSAs each contain ~10K non-overlapping kinase sequences from the Uniprot/TREMBL database after phylogenetic filtering at 50% sequence identity. After filtering, we consider the sequence...
of unknown function (genome position: 9518) and 17 nucleotide insertion/deletions, which changed the open reading frame in the tail length tape measure protein.cIntergenomic similarity matrix calculated by VIRIDIC63revealed high identity between ancient and modern representatives of the speciesMushuvirus...