时序图Sequence Diagram 时序图(SequenceDiagram),又名序列图、循序图,是一种UML交互图。它通过描述对象之间发送消息的时间顺序显示多个对象之间的动态协作。 时序图的元素 我们在画时序图时会涉及7种元素:角色(Actor)、对象(Object)、生命线(LifeLine)、控制焦点(Activation)、消息(Message)、自关联消息、组合片段。...
EA&UML日拱一卒--序列图(Sequence Diagram)::循环 相信只要用过时序图,就一定用过循环(loop),但是你还真就不一定发挥了它的所有能力,不信你就继续看。 语义 一 个循环片段可以有重复的上限和下限,以及一个布尔条件,该条件利用来自片段中一条生命线的值。在每次循环开始的时候,如果布尔条件为真,循环体就会被...
The Sequence Diagram models the collaboration of objects based on a time sequence. It shows how the objects interact with others in a particular scenario of a use case. With the advanced visual modeling capability, you can create complex sequence diagram
ComponentDiagram ComponentFile CompositeTask 組合 COMPrivate ComputedColumn ComputedColumnDisabled ComputedColumnError ComputedColumnWarning 電腦 ComputerService COMWarning ConditionalLoop ConditionalRule ConditionalRuleIfThen ConePreview ConfigurationEditor ConfigurationFile ConfigureComputer ConfigureDatabaseWizard ConfirmBut...
can be depicted so beautifully with sequence diagram, nothing comes closer to that 12 00:01:02,338 --> 00:01:07,539 Now the problem with sequence diagram is that you need to draw a diagram, you need to use 13 00:01:07,539 --> 00:01:13,099 ...
In fact, by mapping an infinite binary string x=〈x(n)〉n=1∞ to the real numberΣn 1/2x(n)∈ [0, 1], we can naturally identify the uniform probability measure on the Cantor space with the Lebesgue measure on [0, 1]: The interval [1/2, 1], e.g., corresponds to the event...
where U and V are the average values of u and v, taken over a time interval that is long compared to the turbulence time scales but short compared to the time scales of any nonturbulent unsteadiness in the flow field. If 〈u〉 denotes such a time average of the u component of velocit...
The core provides aids in the alignment—to the granularity of 1/4 chip interval—of the local copy of the ci and cq codes with the incoming demodulated spread signal, and simultaneously despreads the sequence. The correlator calculates the complex correlation of the incoming signal, r = ri ...
SIO_LOOPBACK_FAST_PATH control code (Windows) Start element (Windows) TraceLoggingActivity::~TraceLoggingActivity method (Windows) EntranceEffect Element Source Element ITransformPropertyPoint::get_Time IPropertyStore::Commit method (Windows) How to Suppress and Control Verb Visibility (Windows) IContro...
sequence is repeatedntimes. In the CPMG sequence, a variable number of refocusing pulses are applied during a fixed time interval, and if the pulsing rate is fast enough, the effect of interconversion between the conformational states is reduced and sharp peaks are obtained. Although the CPMG ...